Bulletins – 2023 Q4

Meeting Bulletin - March 26, 2024

Tuesday, April 2, 2024
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Understanding the Rotary Foundation

Rotary Meeting Notes--March 26th 2024
History fact – Poley’s market has been in business 70 years!
April 3rd Peace pole dedication – Department of Education at the County office – at 3.30pm – Barbara to send out email with details
April 12th Compost give away at Keiser Park by WeAct - part of the Waste Less Alliance
April 27th Windsor water treatment plant tour (8am) this will take the place of the April 30th 5th Tuesday meeting lasting ~1hour
Fundraiser update - Michael
               Buy your ticket now (Current tally - 53 rotary, 14 sponsors, 47 out of rotary)
There may be a need for people on the clean up crew though during the meeting it was mentioned that there are a few guests coming that plan to help clean up
All items are available for viewing at https://windsorr2024.ggo.bid/bidding/package-browse
Specific Requests:
Buy tickets!
Help promote the event - Visit other clubs and get promotional materials to friends
If you have a picture of the Rotary bar in action on the Town Green then please send it to Catherine
President Doug says a few words
               “Thank you- has been a difficult journey – not used to taking sick days”
Doug noted that the “Group has stood up and filled in for my absence.  Will never be able to say enough for that.”
Doug is optimistic and related that he will be starting a new treatment as part of a clinical trial.  He related that he is on so many different medicines and one causes that very vivid dreams (no he did not say which one, you’ll have to ask him that yourself) –  In one recent dream he walked into the police department and unfortunately chose the wrong door.  Behind the door was an interrogation room and the police were about to question someone.
Again, Doug thanked the group for its support and gave the example of the chicken soup that Monica had provided as recently as last night.  And the help to continue the board meetings while only being able to attend remotely thanks to Brian Ling.
Doug ended with instructions to Pay attention to the fundraiser today and his hope to be back some time in April in a better position.
Heather announcement – Rotary song book has been printed! (Rotarians said they liked these songs)
Anne Louise – Gave a brief update of het time, she recently returned from a youth exchange week in Oahu, Hawaii and attended symphony with Barbara and Dave.  Anne Louise is beginning to see the end to her time in California as she noted making plans to transition to her next host family and is really enjoying life here.
Meeting Main Topic was a presentation by Brian, Carol and Ed that “will clarify everything foundation today”
They started by asking that one “give what you can (and then a little bit above)- but not a commitment that you are not comfortable in meeting.”
Fines started out as catching someone doing something silly – and while now they are still called fines, it is more a celebration and way to acknowledge good things giving people an opportunity to brag a little about the good in their lives.
Fines are expected to be ~$80 annually – and this money goes to the functioning of the club

The rotary foundation (TRF) also known as the rotary international foundation
For every $1,000 donated one receives acknowledgement with a Paul Harris award and pin.  This is renewed with a sapphire or a ruby for each additional $1,000 until one achieves the Paul Harris nine more times.
If you want to know where you are on your Paul Harris journey then ask Bill.
Request for the DAY—Check out Roarty.org –  go to my rotary – then login or register—(register if you have not)—see how easy it is to give to the foundation online in the rotary.org site (donation button on every other page)
When donating, you will be asked where you want your donation applied.  One of the options (and the default) is the annual fund.  The annual fund is collected throughout the year.  At end of the year, half of the amount is donated by the club to Rotary International and the other goes to the larger organization to fund grants given by district (so it goes out and then it comes back).  For instance our district got back $123,000.  The way it works, once approved for a grant, a club will do their project putting up 50% of the fund and the district will reimburse the club for the other 50% of expenses
As example of this was the, the daffodil planting project.
There is a limit of $6K project – where $3K will be reimbursed.

There are several areas of focus to chose from.  Like the fund to eliminate Polio where any dollar that goes to polio is tripled by Gates foundation.  Amazing progress has been made here.  There are less than 10 know Polio cases worldwide!

Meeting Bulletin -March 19, 2024

Friday, March 22, 2024
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Planning An Evening in Seville

March 19, Windsor Rotary Minutes

Opening at 7:30:
*Maureen Merrill greeted and opened the meeting
*Jose Diaz led the flag salute
*Robin Resendez gave the inspirational message
*Susan Cole led us in "I've Been Working on the Railroad"
*Our guests: Grace Curtin-Fiano, Jose Diaz,Jeremiah Kahmoson, Michael LaCompte, Robin Schifando, Marisa Snow

Report from the Board Meeting:
*Larry McCabe stated that money had been approved for a new pop-up tent
*Carol Martin reported that our finances are in good order
*Larry McCabe stated that all members are welcome to attend board meetings

Announcements and Recognitions:
*Pam Moulton reported that international funds have been allocated to Zimbabwe, Mexico and the Ukraine
*Monica Merrill introduced and installed new members: Jose Diaz, Michael LeCompte, and Christine Siebord
*Jeremiah Kahmoson, a teacher from Windsor High School, informed us about the up-coming "Levi's Grand Fonda" and expressed the need for volunteers to help at the event

Program Funraiser 2024........Michael Juric "A Night in Seville"

*Reminded us that we are raising funds for:
    The high school Wellness Center
    The Pump Park
    The program, "Every 15 Minutes"
*Related details of the interior village which will be set up and explained about the auction on line and at the event
*Said a guitarist will play for two hours
*At 7:00 a Flamenco dancer will be performing
*Asked that in the next seven days, that we:
    Register if we haven't done so already
    Look at the auction items and bring more to Catherine Hanlon
*Carol Martin showed how to register using either Rotaryfundraiser.com or Windsorfundraiser.com
*Michael Juric recognized all of the co-chairs and asked that everyone sign up to help as much as possible

The new slate of officers:
*President...........Barbara McChesney
*Past President....Doug Williams
*Co-treasurers.....Carol Martin and Ed Turner
*Secretary............Catherine Hanlon
*Members at large.Pegi Bell and Boyd Morrison

Thank you to our guests and volunteers:
*Set-up.................Steve Klick
*AV Set-up............Alissa Johnson
*Greeter................Leslie Lewis
*Song....................Susan Cole
*Scribe...................Margaret Johnson
*Inspiration............Robin Resendez
*Photos..................Sue Nelson

Adjournment: Maureen Merrill adjourned the meeting at 8:30

Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Johnson, acting scribe

Meeting Bulletin - March 12, 204

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
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Leadership Windsor

Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting Agenda                                                                             March 12, 2024
  1. Good Morning! - Rotary Club of Windsor! With Past President Maureen Merrill presiding.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Bill Conklin
  3. Inspiration – Mike Ragsdale, Empathy by Daniel Pink
  4. Song – JB Leep, Put on A Happy Face!
  5. Guests – Beth Henry, Don Edgar, Gina Fortino-Dickson, Kristine Siebert, Robin Schifondo
  6. Windsor History moment and reminder “Did I make a difference in someone’s life today?”
  7. Windsor History – Many Windsor Rotarians participated in the Windsor Incorporation in 1992 including John Lewis and Andy Wick who chaired the incorporation committee.
  8. Arondo Donax – The Arondo Donax cleanup last weekend at Veterans Memorial Beach included representatives form 6 Rotary Clubs, 3 Interact Clubs, and numerous friends.   Thank you all for your service to our community and there will be additional clean up days scheduled soon.
  9. Fundraiser 2024 An Evening in Seville – Michael Juric, Time to sign up for the event and gather Live and Silent Auction items for the April 6, event.  Sign up online and give your auction items to Catherine Hanron.
  10. JB Leep – As part of the Windsor Community Circle we like to support each other’s events.  Two upcoming events include Corned Beef and Cabbage Drive Thru Dinner by the Kiwanis Club on March 17 and the St Patrick’s Day celebration and “all you can eat corned beef and cabbage fest!” by the Lion’s Club and Fire District on March 16.
  11. Birthdays – Mitch Grandi donated to the WRCF Permanent Fund, Diane Brabetz gave us some encouraging thoughts and is a consistent generous supporter of the WRCF.
  12. Alison Huber – Back to living and working in Windsor at Nieko and is looking forward to re-joining the Rotary Club of Windsor. Allison contributed to the WRCF, Projects Fund.
  13. Heather Cullen - Odyssey of the Mind, teams earned a 3rd and 5th place finishes at last weekend’s competition.  In appreciation Heather contributed to the WRCF, Projects Fund.
  14. Corporate Members – Rene Hyde explained the details of a “Corporate” membership, which can be a great opportunity for a business or organization to have multiple members in our club.
  15. Program – Maureen Merrill, Beth Henry, Gina Fortino-Dickson, Sue Nelson (Steering Committee Members)
Leadership Windsor – Lead Win
  • The Windsor Chamber of Commerce is the lead sponsor of Leadership Windsor.
  • Leadership Windsor is in its first year and recruiting for Class #2.  Class 1 (cohort) includes Windsor Rotarians Alissa Johnson, Robin Rosendez, Steve Klick, and Jim Curry.
  • Developing the Leaders of today and tomorrow
  • Learn about the Windsor community!
  • The Leadership Windsor class meets monthly with a theme of presentations such as Government, Business, Development, Environment, Natural Resources, etc.
  1. Closing comments, thank yous, and Adjourn – “Be Generous, Lead with your Heart, and do something Rotarian this week.”

Club Calendar
            March 18         Board of Directors Meeting 6pm (On zoom, members welcome to attend)
            March 19         Club Meeting – Program will be in preparation for An Evening in Seville
March 26         Club Meeting – Program will be an overview of The Rotary Foundation (TRF) and the Windsor Rotary Community Foundation (WRCF), Doing good locally and throughout the world.
April 6             District Training Assembly, Ukiah
April 6             An Evening in Seville
April 9             Club Meeting – Program will be Sonoma County District Attorney Carla Rodriguez

Meeting Bulletin - March 5, 2024

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
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Perspectives on Race and Racism

Today’s speaker was Tiana Doht, a Mental Health Coach and daughter of Club members Dave Doht and Barbara McChesney, who spoke about how “whiteness” came to be following Bacon’s Rebellion (1676-1677), a multi-racial uprising in the colony of Virginia against the upper class.  Thereafter, the laws changed to characterize “English” and “freeborn” as “white” with special privileges while taking away freedoms of black and indigenous people.  While “whiteness” was not legally defined, it became used as a power and control mechanism.

          Call to Order.  Past District Governor Maureen Merrill acknowledged the presence of President Doug Williams and called the meeting to order at 7:30 am.

          Pledge of Allegiance.  Mike Merrill led the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

          Inspiration.   Joan Mora inspired us with these words:
“May we continue to grow as Rotarians so that we stand in our communities as a symbol of those willing to freely put service above self and make this our community and the world a better place to live.”

          Song. Heather Cullen got us on our feet and taught us how to do the hand jive. Then, with a rollicking music video, we all did a spirited hand jive as best we could.  It was great fun and got our juices going.

          Visiting Rotarians.  There were no visiting Rotarians today.

          Guests.  David Doht introduced returning guest Maureen McSorley and his daughter Tiana Doht, our speaker today. Susan Nelson introduced returning guest Christine Seibert.  Daniel Myers introduced Windsor Interact Club Co-Presidents Kai Arsi and Sydney Parker.

          Student of the Year Community Health Academy.  Daniel introduced Maya Carmona’s mother and Kate Fitzgerald, a long-time Windsor High School teacher of English and Public Health, who introduced Maya Carmona, the Student of the Year of the Community Health Academy.  Maya is a senior at Windsor High School who plans to go to college and major in psychology with the goal of attending medical school and becoming a doctor specializing in pediatrics.  She is a member of the youth board of the 16 Strong Project, a youth mental health program, and she participated in the Sutter Health program “Future Faces of Family Medicine” in which she shadowed rotations and signed patients into the on-line health care app.  The Club congratulated Maya on her honor and wished her well.

          Interact Club.  Kai Arsi and Sydney Parker, the Co-Presidents of the Windsor High School Interact Club, reported on the revival of the club following their attending RYLA this past year.  The Club now has about 25 members.  They just had a pizza party and they look forward to spreading the Rotary message.  The Club intends to participate in the arundo donax removal project on March 9th and they are working on installing a peace pole at the high school with a garden around it.  Kai will also be doing a short-term youth exchange in Denmark.

          Recognition of Maureen and Mike Merrill.  Bill Bolster called our attention to a recent Donor Story published by the Luther Burbank Center for the Arts recognizing the contributions of Maureen and Mike Merrill as donors, former board members, and now members of LBC’s Honorary Advisory Council.  Maureen and Mike exemplify the Rotary ideals of service to our community.  Club members acknowledged the Merrills with applause.

          Update on our FunRaiser.  Michael Juric gave a brief report on the progress toward our FunRaiser, An Evening in Seville, on April 6th, at 5:00 pm at the Mary Agatha Furth Center.  At this point, the “scoreboard” reflects 40 registrations, 6 sponsors, and many donations of wine and auction items.  Carol Martin is looking for club members who know how to use scissors and JB Leep would like to recruit some folks who are handy with hammers.  Please see them to volunteer.  Larry McCabe handed out colorful and attractive event promotion cards for members to take to businesses, friends, and neighbors to get the word out.  This should be a fun event!

          Scholarships Committee.  Michael Juric reported we have received 25 applicants for Rotary scholarships.  He is seeking volunteers for the scholarships committee to review the applications and interview applicants.

          Club Calendar.
                           March 6                  Budget Meeting
                              March 9                  Arundo Donax Removal
                              March 18                Board Meeting
                              April 6          FunRaiser
                              April 6          District Training, Ukiah                
                              April 15                   Board Meeting
                              April 30                   Fifth Tuesday
                              May 7                     Teacher Appreciation

          Speaker.      David Doht introduced our speaker, David’s daughter Tiana Doht.
After completing her Masters degree in Communities, Organizations, and Social Change, Tiana pursued her interest in global politics and culture.  She is a Mental Health Coach and facilitates programs in anti-racism and diversity, equity, and inclusion work. Her interest in studying race in our culture was spurred in 2020 during the pandemic by the prominent deaths of black people such as Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, who were killed while jogging, sleeping, and shopping.

          Tiana learned the difference between race and ethnicity and explored her own German ethnicity with curiosity.  “Whiteness” however is a social construct that we are socialized into and “whiteness” is not the same for everyone.  She gave examples of our nation’s history of structural racism in the Homestead Act, the GI Bill, and redlining of minority neighborhoods.  Tiana encouraged us to approach issues of race with curiosity and take action to interact with those of different backgrounds and ethnicity.  She suggested that white privilege is relative and “intersectional” and contributes to the skewing of wealth distribution in the United States.

          Tiana will provide references to resources to help us understand the history and pervasiveness of race issues in America.

          Thank You.   Maureen Merrill thanked our speaker, guests, set-up crew, and administrative folks.

          Next Week.  At next week’s meeting our speakers will be from Leadership Windsor and we will vote on the slate of new board members for the coming year.

                                                  With apologies for misspellings and mis-hearing,
                                                            Your Scribe, Larry Mills

Meeting Bulletin - January 27, 2024

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
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Legal Aid for Small Business

Good Day fellow Rotarians and friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin.  Today’s minutes are from TUESDAY,   February 27, 2024          
Past President Bill Bolster called the meeting to order at 8:30am
We were happy to have President Doug with us this morning; our continued support is with him, so glad he was able to join us.
Pledge of Allegiance recited by the club, but I failed to catch the lead Rotarian
INSPIRATION: Michael Raasch      “Your Work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only ways to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.  And the only ways to do great work is to love what you do.  If you haven’t found it yet, keeping looking, don’t settle.  As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”    Steve Jobs
Geoff Harrison presented a fun twist on our song for the morning by reading the poem "Casey at the Bat: A Ballad of the Republic, Sung in the Year 1888" is a mock-heroic poem written in 1888 by Ernest Thayer
VISITING ROTARIANS: Maria Claudia Lorenzini Lorenzii  Club San Agustin de Talca, Chili
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Michael LeComte, Christine Seibert, Anne Louise, our YE daughter, and our speakers Ally Berk and Lluvia Gomez. 
PP Bill updated the club on our member Sandie Krutz, she will soon be starting treatment for kidney cancer, inviting club members to offer support for both her and husband Wally.

Windsor History Fact
 In 1872, the railroad came to Windsor.  With the railroad, the town moved from East to West, close to the rail line.  The advent of the railroad enabled farmers to begin extensive fruit production because of the ready market on the other end of the line.
(Note; SMART expected to serve Windsor in 2025)

Michael Juric gave us an update on our FUNRAISER:  An Evening in Seville, April 6th, 5pm Agatha Furth Center, tickets and more information is available at:  https://windsorrotary.ejoinme.org/seville 

This is a CLUB FUNRAISER and your participation is needed, Auction Items, Invite your Friends,
Pam Moulton: Decorations 
Pegi Ball / Steve Klick:  Food & Beverage

Catherine Hanron: Auction Items
Larry Mills:  Sponsors

We are also creating a Wine Library as an auction item and need each club member to provide one or two bottles of wine, minimum value $25.00, Wine donation description forms available at Rotary Meeting or contact Jo Timmsen. 
If you come into the meeting in the Back Door, Please check in at the Front Door, Thank you,
February Birthdays:  Robin Resendez, & Sue Nelson
February Anniversaries:     
 Renee Hyde and Paul Peloso,  JB Leep and Carol Martin Diane and Les Brabetz                                                                                                                                             

March 6 – Budget Meeting                                       
March 9 – Arundo Donax Removal            
March 18 – Board Meeting                                        
April 6 – FunRaiser                                          
April 6 – District Training, Ukiah                             
April 15 – Board Meeting                             
April 30 – 5th Tuesday                                                        
May 7 – Teacher Appreciation

Maria Claudia Lorenzini Lorenzini   (Domingo’s Mom)

In 2013 the Eureka Rotary Club hosted RYE student Franco Calleja Lorenzini, Domingo’s brother.  At the annual YE ski trip Franco suffered a fall, resulting in a coma that lasted 5 days.  The entire Rotary community across two countries stepped up to help Franco and his family.  Windsor Rotarians Glenda Sales, Renee Hyde, Michael Juric and Larry Wasem were particularly responsive. 

      Maria Claudia has traveled from Chili to visit her son Domingo and enjoy Sonoma County; she attended our Rotary meeting Tuesday and shared a little about herself, and expressed her gratitude not only for all the support she and her family received when Franco was injured but also for all the support the club has shown Domingo, especially Renee Hyde for opening her home to Domingo. 

Claudia and her husband have five sons; they have all participated in Rotary Youth Exchange, each going to a different country.  The Lorenzini family has hosted 13 youth exchange students and Claudia heads the YE program in her club.
Claudia shared a video of Franco’s recovery, finishing with a video message from Franco, looking healthy and handsome. 


  Maureen Merrill introduced our speakers:  Ally Berk and Lluvia Gomez from Legal Aid Sonoma County Small Business Equity & Recovery Program
The service they provide is free assistance to small business in Sonoma County, they cover issues such as: Entity Formation, Commercial Leases, General Business Contracts and HR/Employee Issues.
Eligibility Requirements:
Entrepreneurs that want to start a business in Sonoma County,   Owners of existing business located within Sonoma County that have Less than 500 employees,For Profit Business, not-profits do not qualify 
Program is federally funded, channeled through state and county.

Funding was created following COVID to assist small business and will end at the end of 2024.

 Lluvia was raised in Sonoma County, attended UC Santa Barbara and is planning to attend law school.   
Ally Berk, Program Attorney was raised in Sonoma County, attended UC Davis and Berkeley School of Law. 
Additional Core programs offered by Sonoma County Legal Aid include:
Child Abuse Prevention Program, Housing Stability, Domestic Violence, Elder Law, Employment & Health, Disaster Relief, Veteran’s Services.   
Past President Bill Bolster thanked our speakers: Ally & Lluvia, Maria Claudia, our guests, club members and volunteers.

Meeting adjourned 8:30am

Meeting Bulletin - Feb 20, 2024

Monday, February 19, 2024
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Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting Minutes

February 20, 2024
  1. Good Morning! - Rotary Club of Windsor! With Past President Bill Bolster presiding.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – Margaret Johnson
  3. Student of the Year, Nuevo Core – Daniel Myers
    • John Richards, Nuevo Core Teacher ~ Creativity and Performing Arts, introduced Zoey
    • Zoey Arent, Smart, curious, problem solver, every problem is an opportunity.
Appreciative for her teachers, family, and friends help her Grit through the ebbs and flows of high school.  Arts are her life.  Creativity is what drives me.  Zoey is an author, artist, and self-driven sure to be successful at every turn in her life.
  1. Inspiration – Mike Merrill, John F Kennedy, Profiles in Courage, “A nation which has forgotten the quality of courage which in the past has been brought to public life is not as likely to insist upon or reward that quality in their chosen leaders today.”
  2. Song – Maureen led a sparked up rendition of “Happy Birthday” to Sue Nelson and Robin Ramirez
  3. Guests – Dennis Wilkinson, Maureen McSorley, Matt Barrington, Lisa Rumbaugh, Robin Chafondou, Family of Zoey Arent, Sean Arent, Greg and Becky Draper, Jose Diego, Michael Lacomte (Oak Tree Winery).
  4. Windsor History moment and reminder “Did I make a difference in someone’s life today?”
  5. Budget Meeting – Carol reminded/invited interested club members to attend either or both of the 2024/25 Budget planning meetings for the club and the WRCF.  Contact Carol if you would like to participate.
  6. 2024/2025 Board – Barbara introduced her proposed Board of Directors for 2024/2025.
  7. 2023/2024 Board Meeting last night– Larry McCabe
Everyone always welcome to attend.  Thorough budget report, youth activities with Interact and RYLA, Environmental project Arundo Donax removal at the Russian River, Membership growth, and very active Community Service committee recently granting almost $5000 to local community projects.
  1. Board Approved Community Service Grants – Monica McCabe
    • Wasteless Windsor $1500
    • Leadership Windsor $1000
    • Spring Show at WMS $1800
    • WHS Website $400
  1. Birthdays & Anniversaries – JB (Next week due to time constraints today)
Birthday – Sue Nelson       2/12
Anniversaries -        Renee Hyde and Paul Peloso       2/2
 JB Leep and Carol Martin            2/4
 Diane and Les Brabetz                 2/10

  1. Fundraiser 2024 An Evening in Seville – Michael Juric
Time to sign up and gather Live and Silent Auction items for the April 6, event.  Sponsors and donations are essential to our success and please refer any potential sponsors to our committee.
  1. Program – Fred Ptucha & Terry McNeill
Fred – Members of Rotary Club of Santa Rosa East/West and a Vietnam Veteran
Terry – Veterans for Peace
  • Rotary Peace Pole Project, “May Peace Prevail on Earth” on every pole.  Room for up to 8 different languages.  Tangible vision for peace with Peace Poles scattered all over the world.
  • Peace Builder Clubs earn designation from Rotary International for any club that has completed a significant peace related project.  Peace Pole’s for schools and their club has 47 peace poles installed so far with over 20 more in process.
  • Poles are $400 for fabrication and installation of each pole.  Clubs grant 1/3 of the cost with Rotary International supporting the 2/3 balance.
  • Process begins with requesting and receiving support from the Superintendent of the schools.  Then present the process to the individual school principals to determine location for the installation.  Once the poles are installed a celebration and dedication ceremony takes place.  Schools are encouraged to have an annual ceremony recognizing peace throughout the world.
  • Fred also discussed his Vietnam history where he met Mike Merrill in 1968, and the numerous Rotary civilian projects back in Vietnam that he has participated in ever since.
  • Fred had the club share the “I pledge to peace . . . “that has been integrated into the 4th/5th grade programs along with the Peace Pole projects.
  • Be kind to our brothers and sisters!
  • Our new Interact Club at WHS is looking for our support to build a peace garden campus including a Rotary Peace Pole.
  • Thank you to our guests and volunteers.
    • Setup – Bill Conklin
    • AV Setup – Larry McCabe
    • Greeter – Leah Hansen
    • Song – Maureen Merrill
    • Scribe – Brian Ling
    • Inspiration – Mike Merrill
    • Photos – Barbra McChesney
    • Guests - Fred Ptucha & Terry McNeill
  1. Closing comments, thank yous, and Adjourn –

Meeting Bulletin - Feb 13, 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
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New Members Craft Talks

A. Good Morning.....Bill Bolster welcomes Doug Williams return
B. Pledge of Allegiance.....Led by Brian Williams
Thank you to Brianna Mar, who replaced Jennifer Taddai as our longstanding contact at Windsor High School, who led team for Student of the Year from Windsor High. Jack Pollard introduced and spoke about the Build program and his goal to become a pilot. He introduced and thanked instructor Robert Haney who has taught shop classes for over 30 years.
C. Inspiration.....Maureen Merrill from the Hindu "Everything will turn out all right in the end. If it's not all right, it's not the end."
D. Song.....JB Leep "She Loves You!"
E. Visiting Rotarians  - NONE
F. Guests  - a ton...Kristine Seibert, Jack Pollard and his parents, Robert Hanney, Jose Diego
G. Upcoming Budget Meeting.....Carol Martin announced that there will be a meeting to discuss the distribution of the money earned through our investments.  She passed around a signup sheet for those who are interested.  No date has been set.  She emphasized the need for us to be transparent when doing this process.
H. Community Services.....Monica McCabe
 was named Volunteer of the Year for the Daffodil Project California Parks and Rec Society.
I. New Member Badges and Pins.....Maureen Merrill, reminded us that the following members were inducted a couple of weeks ago, but she was presenting each of them with their official Rotary pins. Our newest members include:
    *Jessica Domingues
    *Jim Curry
    *Larry Mills
    *Margaret Johnson
J. Youth Exchange Student Natalie Huie is in Taiwan....President Bill encuraged the members to read her blog nataliehuie.weebly.com.
K. Student of the Year.....Jack Pollard of Build Academy, was presented by Rotarian Daniel Myers, and introduced by his teacher, Robert Haney.  Jack introduced and gave thanks to his parents, his teacher and Rotary.  He explained that he had had a rough go as a student during Covid, but appears to have found a successful pathway and intends to start school at SRJC before ultimately transferring to a four year University.
L. Fundraiser 2024.....Michael Juric  reviewed the status and progression on our upcoming FunRaiser, "Evening in Seville" on April 6, 5:00pm at Agatha Furth Center
The Following Chairpersons gave an overview and update on what is next for their respective committees:
    *Promotions: Larry McCabe
    *Sponsorship: Larry Mills
    *Auction Items: Catherine Hanron
Our goal: $30,000 to support Kaiser Pump Park, Every 15 Minutes, and the Wellness Center at Windsor High
M.Pam Moulton.....announced that there is a need for judges of culinary projects for Windsor Middle School, on February 24 8:00-1:30. She announced that AFTER the Next regular Rotary meeting there will be a Decorations Committee meeting to review status.
N. Craft Talks:
    *Jessica Domingues: Enjoys hiking, food preparation, softball, spending time with family and friends. Worked at Exchange Bank for 16 years. Two kids, Kari (8) and Kamila (11)
    *Jim Curry: Born near Boston; moved to California at 3 years old, works at Exchange Bank, been in banking for 26 years, has a 20 year old daughter and a son who is a junior at Windsor High, married for 24 years, plays golf, likes wine, bourbon, and movies. Is board chairman for Windsor Chamber of Commerce
    *Larry Mills: A transfer Rotarian and Past President of Healdsburg Sunrise, who Still works in arbitration and dispute resolution; has lived in many places in the US; moved to Sonoma County 8 years ago and to Windsor 2 years ago; likes international travel, is a reader, loves to sing and is active in fundraising.
O. Thanks to the Guests and Volunteers:
    *Set Up: Domingo Calleja
    *AV Set-up: Alissa Johnson
    *Greeter: Jack Hackenberg
    *Song: JB Leep
    *Scribe: Margaret Johnson (with help from Pam Moulton)
    *Inspiration: Maureen Merrill
    *Photos: Barbara McChesney
    *Guests: Jack Pollard, his parents, Kristine Seibert, OTHER??
Meeting Adjourned: 8:30
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Johnson and Pam Moulton

Cecily Majerus

Tuesday, January 30, 2024
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Cecily Majerus and the Marine Mammal Center

Rotary Club of Windsor
Meeting Minutes - JANUARY 30, 2024
The Meeting was presided by Past President Michael Juric where he opened with an invitation for the club members to enjoy a few more minutes of socializing with each other.  We opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Alyssa and followed with an inspiration presented by Sandie Krutz where she quoted from a story that she read about a conversation between two children.  Their words of wisdom reminded us to "listen to yourself" and "stop talking to people who call you stupid!!"
Geoff was recently in Disneyland with his daughter and their three boys.  He said that being in Disneyland allows us to "feel like a kid again" and encourages each of us to "take your mind to a different place!"  In Geoff Harrison style, he  enthusiastically lead us in a rousing version of "The Happy Song,"  foot stomping and all!
Four visitors (Kristine Seibert, Jean Hackenberg, Jose Luis, and our speaker, Cecily Majerus.  There were no visiting Rotarians.
This week's Windsor History Fact alerted us to informaton that in 1974/75, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors earmarked $100K for the purchase of a park site for Windsor.  One of the site that was considered was the land near the (then) Windsor Junior High.  Ultimately the site that was chosen is the current LOUIS B. KEISER Park!
PP Michael, who is also chair for the upcoming APRIL 6th FUNRAISER, reminded the club who had been selected as beneficiaries of the upcoming event. Those lucky recipients are:  The Windsor High School Wellness Center, the Keiser Pump Park and the program (sponsored by the Police Department), Every Fifteen Minutes.
 Each of the Team leaders were asked to give a brief presentation to the Club members on their specific needs as we get closer to the special event.  As a reminder, the following are the team leads, and the person to be connected when you decide with whom you would like to volunteer.
•Monica McCabe - Beneficiaries (She need us to "care and feed our beneficiaries, and assist them on finding things that they can give to the club as potential auction items)
•Carol Martin - she is working on the budget and wants information on potential expenditures

Renee Hyde - she is working "behind the scenes" and is looking for individuals to assist with describing items that are to be auctioned as well as someone to assist with registration the night of the event.
Larry McCabe - he is working on promotion and encouraged each of us to "pass the word" about the upcoming event - put it on our individual social media platforms!
Larry Mills - he is working on Sponsorship...any ideas or potential people/businesses - send it to him!
Michael Juric and Susan Cole - they are working on the overall program
Pam Moulton - is working on Decorations and will be looking for lots of bodies to assist on the day of the event to set up.  In the meantime -there are some SET UP/BUILDING needs if you the still and time, she would appreciate your expertise!
Pegi Ball, Steve Klick and Bill Conklin are working on the food, beverages. They are looking for beverage donations as well as help with sitting at the bar for a short term position on the night of the event.
We moved to our speaker, Cecily Majurus , who was introduced by Larry McCabe.Cecily, who is the CEO of the Marine Mammal Center, gave a comprehensive review ,complete with invitational photos of her "clients" to the club.  She ade note that their organization is responsible for 600 miles of California's coast in protecting ocean health by working with the marine mammals.  It was noted that they are staffed by ACTIVE VOLUNTEERS, whose responsibility is to
•Respond and Rescue
•Rehabilitate (it takes weeks to months!) and to
•Release the animals (whom they usually will tag to keep track of them!)
She made note that there are three hospitals that engage in scientific research and are teaching hospitals They are researching ways in which to find a correlation between animal health and human health.  They offer educational programs where she reviewed activities for fifthe grade through Post Doctoral students.
The core patients are the Sea lions, yellow fin seals, harbor seals, fur seals, Hawaiian monk seal, otter, bottle nose dolphin and humpback whale.  She quizzed us on our ability to identify the individual breeds.  Clearly we need a lesson in this area - we were able to distinguish the Whale!  She noted of all the mammals, the Hawaiian Monk Seal is is danger of extinction.
Cecily noted that the impact of climate change is having a significant impact on the patterns and behaviors of the marine mammal,including having them come closer into shore where there are liabilities (i.e. nets).
She reviewed a couple of rescue stories, warming the hearts of her audience, complete with wonderful photos of rehabilitation!  She reminded us that while the seals are "cute" they are wild animals and are not docile!
She finished with informing us that they receive up to 10,000 calls a year and have been successful in bringing in over 800 animals!  In case you are interested in contacting them, their number is open 24 hours a day, #415-289-7325.
PP Michael finished the meeting with a round of  individual thank you's to everyone who assisted in make the meeting happen, including recognition of the guests!  He reminded us of the interdepency that we have for and on each other!  Have a great week!
Minutes prepared and submitted by
Pam Moulton

Meeting Bulletin - Jan 23, 2024

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
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Meet our Exchange Student

Good Day fellow Rotarians and friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin.  Today’s minutes are from TUESDAY, January 23, 2024       
Past President Michael Juric presided our meeting today as President Doug continues his outstanding battle. 

Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by District Governor Tom Boylan
INSPIRATION: Renee Hyde,   “They buried us, but they didn’t know we were seeds”   Greek poet Dinos Christianopoulous
SONG: Susan Cole lead us in a pretty good rendition of “California Dreamin” 
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS:  Kristine Siebert, Maureen Landwehr, Lisa Rumbaugh, Cara Morrison and our YE Daughter Anne-Lousie Avenet
President Doug’s Message, ask yourself:
Did I Make a Difference In Somebody’s Life?
What Wrongs did I Right?
What Hurts did I Heal?

In 1956, the area the Windsor residents knew as the Hembree’s west pasture was purchased by the Healdsburg High School District for a future Jr.High.  It seemed early to plan on an additional school as part of the High School District but Windsor was expecting to grow.  It was only a couple of years later, in 1958 that Ethel Kerr Brooks and 22 other concerned residents organized the Windsor Citizens improvement committee to advocate for much needed improvements for the Windsor community.  (the Hembree west pasture, was the land that now holds the Huerta Gymnasium) 

January 30, 2024:  5th meeting of the month Will be our regular meeting, 7:15am Charlies Grill, but with    some fun surprises
January 29th:      Special Board Meeting
February 1st:  FunRaiser Leadership Meeting Zoom, contact Michael Juric for more information
February 3rd:  Arundo Donax Clean Up, Contact Barbara McChesney barbsmcc@gmail.com
February 19th:    Board Meeting
March 18th          Board Meeting
April 6th     FUNRAISER
DG Tom Boylan shared that one of this year’s focus areas in District 5130 is on Mental Health, often we do not recognize people who need help and we do not know how to help them if we do.  District 5130 has created a business card “Rotary Cares About Mental Health” with a QR code that will help lead someone in need to local mental health resources:  www.norcalmentalhealth.org
Tom distributed cards to the club members and encouraged everyone to share these cards with everyone we care about. 
Happy Anniversary Brian & Jamie Williams    January 26th

Monica McCabe presented a summary for club approval of our chosen FunRaiser Beneficiaries:
  • Windsor High Wellness Center
The Wellness Center is a professionally staffed programed open to all students at Windsor High School, they have a canopy on the quad at the school encouraging students to check it out and discover they have a safe place to go if experiencing stress, anxiety and need support and a place to regroup.   It appears to be a great program with much more detail than this space allows. 
  • Keiser Pump Park
This will be an area at Keiser Park that will be similar to a skate board park but for dirt bikes.  The pump park will be completed in two phases.  The Town is hopeful the 1st phase will be completed in time for the big bike race that goes through Windsor in 2024, the 2nd phase 2025.

We will also continue to support “Every 15 Minutes” program conducted by The Town of Windsor Police Department and Windsor High School. The program is designed to discourage driving while under the influence of any substance. 
“Project Grad” Windsor High School   Provides a safe place for HS graduates to celebrate
The Club approved of all beneficiaries
Our speaker today was our own Youth Exchange Daughter Anne-Louise Avenet,
Anne-Louise has been with us since August, her first host family was Brian & Jamie Williams, and she is currently living with Dev & Cara Morrison.

Anne-Louise is from Niort France, population of 60,000 and her home is about 1 hour from the ocean.  Anne-Louise mentioned Niort was an old town so I looked it up and discovered they have a medieval castle that dates back to the 12th century, the Donjon.  That is an old town. 

Anne-Louise left her Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother and Dog Parker to travel 10 hours to be with us here in Windsor.  Her Mother works in banking and her Father is an accountant.  She stated school is very different here; school in Niort starts at 8am and ends 5-6pm, you also do not have the option of choosing subjects.  High school is 3 years, while middle school is 4 years.
She plans on attending Business College after she graduates high school.

Anne-Louise has been playing piano for 10 years and attends music school.
She gave us the opportunity to hear her play through a few videos, she is very good. 

She is also very athletic, she play tennis, is involved with gymnastics and enjoys basketball with her brother and father.  She is interested in history and art, enjoys sewing and clothing design.

Anne-Louise and her family love to travel, she mentioned several places they have visited together and she is not afraid to explore the world. 

Rotary is not new to Anne-Louise, her father is a Rotarian in District 1510 and has been involved with youth exchange.  She is grateful and appreciative of this opportunity and feels she will benefit in her personal development from this experience. 

Anne-Louise is a very pleasant young lady and eager for new experiences, remember to reach out and include her in any of your adventures. 

PP Michael thanked our guest and members for attending and everyone that contributed to making the meeting happen.
Meeting adjourned 8:30am

Meeting Bulletin - Jan 16, 2024

Tuesday, January 16, 2024
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Our Esteemed Governor

Minutes Rotary January 16, 2024              Chaired by past president Michael Juric

Good Morning and welcome to District Governor Tom Boylan
Instead of the pledge, the Club took a minute to send energy and love to President Doug Williams.

Inspiration: Leah Hansen: Life is change; growth is optional – choose wisely.  And, Endings often lead to new beginnings

Song  by JB: “Somewhere over the Rainbow”

No visiting Rotarians

Guests: Tom Boylan’s wife, Melody Montero, his sister and brother-in-law, Joanne Davey and John Thompson, Sue Nelson brought her neighbor Christine Seibert, Leah Hansen brought Don Edgar and Domingo brought his lady love, Valentina.
President Doug asks:  Did I make a difference in someone’s life today? What wrongs did I right? What wounds did I heal.
Windsor History Fact:  The Oddfellows hall was rebuilt in 1933 housing Windsor Branch of Exchange Bank and a meat market owned by C.J. Martin.
WWI veteran, Walter A. Reimen was in the Naval Reserve when he contracted in Spanish Flu.  He died while on furlough in Windsor.  His Fiancé, Edith Olin passed the same day on October 18, 1918.
Upcoming Events/Announcements
               Fun Raiser April 6
               Chris Landeweir has compiled a new assignment list
               Rohnert Park Rotary is having a crab feed on Saturday February 3rd

               Michael Juric, January 7th birthday
               Steve Klick, January 11th birthday
               Brian and Jamie Williams’ Anniversary, January 26

Governor Tom Boylan pinned the new members with “Create Hope in the World”
               Larry Miles
               Margaret Johnson
               Jim Curry
               Jessica Dominguez

Three minute round table: why did you join Rotary and why have you stayed?

Program: Tom Boylan, District Governor
               There are 200 countries in Rotary and we share many similarities as well as appreciate differences in culture, language and geography
               Tom’s three areas of focus have been:     
                              Environment: Picking up where Jennifer Strong left off and with the help of Barbara McChesney (Plastic Soup, Arundo Dornax and plastic alternative education), and Salvatore Rico, the environmental work is being carried forward and expanded.  We must be concerned for our grandchildren’s world.
                              Membership: Simply inviting a friend/neighbor, etc. to come and here a speaker or come and have breakfast can be a door opener for a new member. We do huge things internationally as Rotarians, but community brings in members and friendship keeps them.
                              Mental Health: Keep hope in the world is the message of the RI President.  Mental health should not be a stigma. 
               Tom’s company, Boylan Point,  created a website of mental health resources by county and created business cards with links to find information.  Rotary cares about mental health.

Tom was gifted a $200 check for the Ken Moulton Scholarship Fund.

Thank you to our guests and volunteers:
-set up: Terry Andreacchi
-AV set up: Larry McCabe
-Greeter: Scott Bonin
-Song: JB Leep
-Scribe: Monica McCabe
-Inspiration: Leah Hansen
-Photos: Barbara McChesney
Respectfully submitted: Monica McCabe

Meeting Bulletin - January 9, 2024

Tuesday, January 9, 2024
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"Speed Dating" to get to know our members

Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting Agenda                               January 9, 2024

Today’s meeting was led by Past President (2 times) and Past District Governor (1 time) Michael Juric who will be filling in as needed for President Doug Williams this month.
  1. Good Morning Rotary Club of Windsor!  Happy New Year!
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Mitch Grandi
  3. Inspiration – Bill Bolster, Maya Angelo, I’ve learned that people will forget what you say, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how they made you feel.
  4. Song – Heather Cullen, America the Beautiful!
  5. Visiting Rotarians – None today
  6. Guests – Michael LeComte (Oak Tree Winery),
  7. Windsor Rotary History Fact – Jim Lillibridge, Alan Rawland, Rolf Nelson, Michael Juric, and Ken Moulton, Charter Members of our club, would meet every Friday afternoon and solve the problems of the world!
  1.  New Membership Induction – Led by Membership Chair Maureen Merrill
    • Larry Mills – Larry and his wife recently moved to Windsor and is now moving his membership from Rotary Club of Healdsburg Sunrise to the energy of the Rotary Club of Windsor.
    • Margaret Johnson – Windsor resident since 1976 and joined our Daffodil planting project and have been welcomed by all the members of the Rotary Club of Windsor and am excited to be a part of it.
    • Jim Curry (Exchange Bank) – Past member of Rotary Club of Rancho Cotati and looking forward to being involved in the Windsor community through our club.
    • Jessica Domínguez (Exchange Bank) – Brand new to Rotary and inspired to be invited to join a group of people doing big things for our community.
Welcome Larry, Margaret, Jim, and Jessica to the Rotary Club of Windsor!
  1.  Upcoming Events/Announcements –
    • Barbara - T- shirts are here.  See Carol for your $20 contribution and pick up your Rotarian at Work shirt.
    • Bill – Natalie Hui, our outbound exchange student, is in Taiwan and is having a great time.  Natalie Huie's blog is: nataliehuie.weebly.com<http://nataliehuie.weebly.com>
    • Kate Smith spent last year as our outbound exchange student at the same prefecture of the recent hurricane in Japan and reports no problems from her Rotarian family.
    • Fun-Raiser - Need Sponsorship Chair/Team Lead for our April event, please discuss with Michael if you are interested in learning more.
    • Annual District Governor visitation – Our own Tom Boylan will join us for a meeting of the Board of Directors and social, followed by a presentation to the club next Tuesday morning.
    • Board meeting – 5pm on Monday, Jan 15, at Michael Juric’s followed by a
and social at Pam’s home across the street.
  1. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Recognition
Next week Michael will be acknowledging club recognitions and announced the birth of his 9th Grandchild, Abigail Rose. 
  1. Program – Renée Hyde – Speed Dating
Renee led the club in 3minute “speed dating” to get to know each other a little bit more.

Thank you Renee
  1. Thank you to our guests and volunteers.
    • Setup – Bill Conklin
    • AV Setup – Alissa Johnson
    • Song – Heather Cullen
    • Scribe – Brian Ling
    • Inspiration – Bill Bolster
    • Photos – Barbara McChesney and Sue Nelson sharing pictures with President Doug!

Closing comments and Adjourn – A big thank you to our guest, 4 new members, and Maureen leading the charge.  Diane Brabetz, charter member of the Rotary Club of Windsor, closed with a big appreciation for her Rotary family that has always been there as consistent and unconditional friends and support.

The Mission of Windsor Rotary
The mission of the Rotary Club of Windsor is to serve our community and the world. We strive to better communicate with our members and with the community to inspire and mobilize both our local and global community in health, education, and peace to create transformative change.

The Windsor Rotary Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit, Fed EIN #68-0185065.


Tuesday at 7:15 a.m.

Charlie’s Restaurant
Windsor Golf Course
1320 19th Hole Dr.
Windsor, CA 95492
Map it

Rotary Club of Windsor
P.O. Box 819
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: 707-892-0492
Email: info1@windsorrotary.org