Current Meeting Bulletin

Club Assembly

Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Club Assembly'

Sept. 3, 2024


Good day to you.

`  4 way test

`  Song - Susan Cole - Beatles song

`  Inspiration - Diane Brabatz

`  Visiting Rotarians - N/A

`  Visitors - Randall Neff (last time as a guest, inducted today into our club)

  Environmental Moments - Margaret Johnson told a story of a teaching moment in her past where she told the students about a “solar clothes drier”, (a clothes line).  She discussed other options of drying clothes such as using drying racks (set in her bathtub) or using bungee chords to make a clothes line in the garage and hanging wet clothes from hangars on them. She suggested there are benefits to going back to the old ways.

`  Announcements 

Chili Cook-Off on 9/7

              John LeCave will be substitute president at our next meeting on 9/10

              Renee Hyde - discussed Rotary Bar - last night on the Town Green. We made $2100.00.           A short video of all the people who had worked the Rotary Bar last season set to the song, “Tequila”.

               Monica McCabe - encouraged everyone to sign the photo book of Doug's debunking to be delivered to him during the week.

               Ribbon cutting for Kaiser Pump Park is set for 9/11/24.  Members are encouraged to attend the ceremony as our club had donated $10,000 to the construction.

`  Induction - Congratulations Randall Neff for joining Rotary. He enjoyed a previous career in library work and continues this passion with the Windsor Public Library.

` Barbara McChesney and club members gave a brief summary of everything we are doing through the end of the year.  

Some club activities include:

`  Environmental - How to be eco-friendly

   Youth services.

`  Fundraising Committee leader needed 

`  Community Service team - Monica discussed the 9/28 - Windsor Parade. We need people to make posters and possibly have a poster party. Also, a meeting on 9/9 will be held for the Grant committee.

`  Membership Chairman - Maureen - we need help to attract people to our club,  retain membership, and help provide orientation.

`  Council on Aging - Larry discussed the Meals on Wheels program.  $200,000 in grants will NOT be funded this year.  There are volunteer opportunities to deliver meals to seniors while at the same time check on their well being.

`  Freaky Fundraiser- There are opportunities here to work with other community service groups to make this event happen.

`  Food/Toy Drive - Larry shared that at the holiday food and gift giveaway, we give 300 boxes of food and approximately 800 kids toys. Club members are asked to help with this.

`  Kincade Monument - Larry explained that a rock monument will be scheduled for placement in Foothills Park and coin medallions will be created to present to first responders who had saved Windsor from the Kincade Fire.  Volunteers are still needed for this committee.

`  Scholarship programs-Michael looking for members to help with scholarships.

`  Rotary meeting assignments-  There are always needs for the various areas of club management.

`  Rotary International - Renee (for Pam) discussed the need for suggestions on money dispersement.

`  Barbara had created posters of Windsor Rotary Club activities, attached them to the walls, and gave everybody 15 minutes to go around and sign up for what they would be interested in volunteering/helping with, by posting a post-it with their name and subject on the activity poster.

Barbara thanked everyone who helped volunteer at the days meeting.

Robin Schifando - Scribe


The Mission of Windsor Rotary
The mission of the Rotary Club of Windsor is to serve our community and the world. We strive to better communicate with our members and with the community to inspire and mobilize both our local and global community in health, education, and peace to create transformative change.

The Windsor Rotary Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit, Fed EIN #68-0185065.


Tuesday at 7:15 a.m.

Charlie’s Restaurant
Windsor Golf Course
1320 19th Hole Dr.
Windsor, CA 95492
Map it

Rotary Club of Windsor
P.O. Box 819
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: 707-892-0492