Bulletins – 2023 Q1
A. Good Morning Rotary Club of Windsor by President Brian Ling David Field, instructor for the Arts presented Camilla Muro Rodríguez and talked about her involvement in the school and community. She spoke about how her family has been supportive to her while she was in high school. H. The club anniversary celebration on March 25 was a great success. Pictures were shared along with comments from Brian: Thank You Joan and Committee; MJ the MC; Sue and John always there for 35 years; Pegi stewarding our food, cleanup - always working for us; Nordquist Dancers-giving me Burkhart nightmares; Lady Marmalade solo by David Doht (you can’t unsee!); JB and Carol having a blast at the casino; Mitch and Bunny having fun all night long; returning members Victor McKnight, Dianna Elsbree, and Jim Cooper J. Guest Presentation: Rosa Reynoza, Mayor of Windsor: she has worked over 30 years in the wine industry, and has a lot of public service experience in this area. Spoke about being a Latina in politics, meeting the needs of minorities and the community overall. Addressed her hopes and plans for the future of Windsor. She took questions from the audience. Set/up : Beth and Bill L. Closing Comments and Adjourn: Team Work acknowledged A big Thank you to the 35th Anniversary Party Team!! A. Good morning Rotary Club of Windsor by President Brian Ling B. Pledge of Allegiance led by Bill Bolster C. Inspiration presented by Doug Williams D. Song led by JB and Stephan - Irish Eyes E. Visiting Rotarians- F. Guest: Domingo and Stephan G. Upcoming Events and Announcements J. Guest Presentation: our own Tom Boylan, District Governor Elect and past President told us about the journey that he has taken in Rotary to become a DG. He provided some fun visuals from the many years of working with DGs and a little info on what the past three years have meant to him taking on the role. He ended it with a brief introduction to how impactful the International Assembly has been. He did not go deep into his vision for the DG year -- you'll have to attend during his club visit in July or so to hear all that. K. Thank you to our guest and volunteers : Set/up : Larry and Brian Greeter: Mike Song: JB and Stephan Scribe: Kathy Inspiration: Doug Guests: : Domingo and Stephan K. Closing Comments and Adjourn: Cheers to our clubs past District Governors: Mike Merrill, Maureen Merrill, Michael Juric, and Ken Moulton Rotary Club of Windsor February 7, 2023 D. Song led by Geoff Harrison - Take Me Out to the Ballgame Daniel explained about the Cores at Windsor High School. Todays award is presented to a student from the pre med core, Noel Leone. He is accompanied by his counselor, Stephanie Keebler. Noel delivered a well prepared and impressive biography. I. Recognitions: Congratulations to Grandpa Ed J. Guest Presentation: Our guest presenter Jon Stout, Airport Manager at Charles Schultz - Sonoma County Airport. Jon took over the airport management in 2002, managed the resumption commercial air service, a $55 million Improvement Project, runway extensions enabling regional jet service, and expansion of the terminal. Jon reported on the recent major improvements at the airport. K. Thank you to our guest and volunteers : The Mission of Windsor Rotary The Windsor Rotary Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit, Fed EIN #68-0185065. WEEKLY MEETINGS Charlie’s Restaurant Rotary Club of WindsorMeeting Bulletin - March 28, 2023
A Visit from Mayor Rosa Reynoza
B. Pledge of Allegiance led by Patrick
C. Inspiration presented by Scott Bonin
D. Song led by JB Singing in the Rain
E. Visiting Rotarians-
F. Guest: Domingo, Stefan, Boyd, Camilla Muro Rodríguez and her family, students from Odessey of the Mind- David, Ava, and Jackson.
G. Student of the Year from the Nueva Core
I. Upcoming Events and announcements
K. Thank you to our guest and volunteers :
Greeter: Rags
Song: JB
Scribe: Kathy
Inspiration: Scott
Guests: : Domingo, Stefan, David, Ava, Jackson, Camilla and her family, Boyd
Meeting Bulletin - March 21, 2023
DGE Tom Boylan
Meeting Bulletin - March 14, 2023
Koi Nation Casino
Good morning!
Pledge of Allegiance: Dev Sodagar
Inspiration: Jamie Williams Based on the Gospel of John 15:4 “No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must
abide in the vine.” For Jamie it was and is through athletics which gives her a chance to connect herself
and others with the community and with their better selves. Invest in each other.
Song: Susan Cole: “Here Comes the Sun” in anticipation of tomorrow’s forecast
Visiting Rotarians: none
Guests: Jim Curry, Board Chair, Windsor Chamber of Commerce and a manager at Exchange Bank.
Our Domingo, who was one of our Greeters! Joan, better known today as Machine gun Molly, was
another Greeter. (Come to the 35 th anniversary party!) Also our guest was
Our Stefan, won his competition in the SXSW conference in Austin, Texas and was even upgraded to 1 st
class! This kid is going places in more than one way! He has an open calendar next week because of
Spring Break, so call Sandie or JB and Carol if you can add an activity to his calendar.
Our Natalie Huie, our outbound student is selling homemade cookies to fund her exchange!
Club anniversary is March 25. Please buy your tickets before next Tuesday. Please bring a donation of a
bottle of wine of $25 to next week’s meeting. It’s going to be a lot of fun! Hardly any speeches, but
good food and dancing!
You should have received your invitation to the District Assembly Training on March 31, April !. Contact
Rags, Maureen or Tom for more details and information.
Contact Michael Juric if you are interested in the Scholarship Committee.
This month’s environmental challenge is to Clean it Up! Bring a bag and a grabber on your walks and
pick up trash! Bring your own shopping bags, vegetable bags and water bottle when you go out to avoid
creating more trash! Barbara has lots of ideas!
RYE Golf Tournament at Windsor Golf Course is Saturday, April 22 nd . Sandie has details.
District Conference is in Konocti, May 5-7.
Happy birthday week, JB!
Program: Representatives of the Koi Tribe speaking about the planned casino/resort. The Koi Nation has
announced it has selected a 68-acre site in unincorporated Sonoma County to build a resort. They are
visiting Rotary under the guidance of the Muelrath Public Affairs company, and Robert Muelrath was
also attending.
The Koi Nation (population under 100 people) is planning Shiloh Resort & Casino, a $600 million project
located off Shiloh near Faught Road that will have 2750 gaming devices, 400 hotel rooms, six
restaurants, meeting center, entertainment venue, spa and vineyards. The Koi Nation will be partnering
with Global Gaming Solutions, wholly owned by the Chickasaw Nation, which will manage and operate
the resort when completed.
The speaker stressed that the tribe is going through the Indian Regulatory Gaming Act to meet all
building, environmental and legal requirements. While comments are welcome the local community of
Windsor does not have a voice in the negotiations.
The meeting closed with a reminder by President Brian that Rotary invites speakers to educate our
membership, and the opinions of the speakers are their own.
The speakers' biographies provided by Rob Muelrath Public Affairs are:
Darin Beltran, Chairman
Dino is a seasoned professional whose experience has proven invaluable in helping direct the tribe toward economic self-reliance. He’s held senior management positions in the hospitality and retail industries. He has been working on tribal development for the past 28 years. As the lead in the tribe’s economic development affairs, he looks to build towards a strong minded, independent and disciplined tribal future. Working with his brother Darin has been a very rewarding experience for Dino. Dino’s mother, Ann Beltran, great- aunt, Olive Johnson, grandmother, Margaret Johnson and great uncle Harry Johnson, all inspire his dedication to the cultural survival of the tribe. He credits his mother with his commitment and devotion to the education and health of future generations as his top priorities, especially when making any decision for the tribe.
Respectfully submitted,
Monica McCabe
Meeting Bulletin - March 7, 2023
Sonoma Watershed
Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting Agenda and Scribe Notes March 07, 2023
A. Good morning, Rotary Club of Windsor! (Somewhat energetic opening by President
B. Pledge of Allegiance – In the absence of a volunteer Geoff Harrison stepped in and did a
memorable, meaningful, energetic, patriotic and enthusiastic leading of the Pledge.
C. Inspiration – Robin Rosendez not attending so Kirt Mitchler stepped in-“Anxiety is the
freedom of choice”
D. Song – Bill Arnone-“Let it Be-Beatles”
E. Visiting Rotarians – none
F. Guests
G. Student of the Year – Vineyard Academy, Victor Milan (Daniel and Josh spoke as an
introductory to Victor’s thank you speech)
H. Upcoming Events/Announcements –
I. Recognitions-none. Should have recognized Geoff for the great job he did stepping in at
the pledge.
J. Program-Carol introduced Don Seymour. Don did a wonderful presentation about the
Sonoma and Mendocino areas watershed including Lake Mendocino, Lake Sonoma and
all the tributaries that feed them. He discussed the two different types of water levels
that invoke two different managing entities once those levels are reached and he
discussed the Potter Valley issue and the impending difficulties it could cause.
K. Thank you to our guests and volunteers
L. Closing comments and Adjourn –
M. Energetic bell ringing by President Brian to conclude the morning meeting.
Meeting Bulletin - February 28th, 2023
SANAS Cuenca
Good Day fellow Rotarians, friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin. Today’s
minutes are from TUESDAY, February 28, 2023
Pledge of Allegiance:
INSPIRATION: Michael Ragsdale
“Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. Faith is the courage to dance to it today.”
Peter Kuzmic
SONG: Bill Bolster led us in a rousing version of Happy Birthday to Stefan, our son from
Germany. Happy Birthday Stefan
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Domingo from Chili and Stefan from Germany
Brian Williams introduced Jeff Brant, WHS Spanish teacher and two of his students, Sidney and
Isa, both juniors at WHS, and Kai joining us on zoom from college.
Mike & Maureen Merrill arrived in Roaring 20’s style, ready for our Great Gatsby themed 35 th
Anniversary March 25, 2023 6pm
Staubli “juice joint” 100 Market St. Windsor, Ca.
RSVP https://windsorrotary.org/party
Pam Moulton announced the President nominating committee submitted the name of Rotarian
Larry McCabe as President Nominee Delegate 2025-2026, to the board for approval. The board
approved at a special meeting 2/23/2023. Pam presented the nominee to the Rotary Members
at large, there was a motion to accept Larry McCabe as President Nominee Delegate, the
motioned seconded and the vote was unanimously approved.
Rep. Jared Huffman has named Stefan Neuber, an 11th Grader at Windsor High School, as the
winner of the 2022 Congressional App Challenge in California’s Second District.
Stefan and Michael Juric met with Rep. Jared Huffman last week in preparation of their trip to
Washington DC in April where Stefan will present his award winning app. MatheX
For more information on the Congressional app challenge and to view Stefan’s YouTube video
click on the link: https://www.congressionalappchallenge.us/2022-winners/
Stefan has also joined the WHS soccer team and welcomes everyone to come watch the
Michael Juric reported the scholarship committee has distributed information to students at
the school and on social media to apply for a Rotary Scholarship, deadline for submission
Environmental: Kurt Mitchler stated there were quite a few entries of projects done for
February but encouraged everyone to keep planting those wild flowers. March is clean up
month; everyone can help with that every day.
Rotary Youth Exchange Golf Tournament: Saturday April 22, 2023 Windsor Golf Club
Proceeds to benefit: Rotary District 5130 Youth Exchange Programs
Register online at: ye5130.org/golf
District Assembly: Great opportunity to learn more about Rotary and support our incoming
District Governor Tom Boylan.
Friday night Social: March 31 st , Grace Hudson Museum, Ukiah
District Training April 1, 2023
Ukiah Conference Center
200 School Street
Invite and registration emails will be sent out next week, contact Michael Ragsdale or Maureen
Merrill with any questions.
Speaker: Jeff Brandt
Jeff is a distinguished educator with more than 30 years in the field of education, the majority
of those years spent at Windsor High School.
In addition to his tenure at Windsor High, Jeff has been recognized as a Fulbright Teacher and is
also a Summer Fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Most recently Jeff
founded the SANAS Homestay/Immersion Project, a program that allows students to travel to
Spanish-speaking countries and study with medical professionals.
Jeff stated the 3-week Spanish Immersion & Homestay Program is for both high and low level
speaking students and for all ages.
The program gives students the opportunity to not only be immersed in the language but the
culture of the country.
Participants first attend Estudio Sampere in Cuenca Ecuador, to be tested for placement in a
local home for a 3 week stay. During their stay they visited Incan ruins, National Parks, and
open air markets. They participated in cooking and dance classes and enjoyed the everyday life
in Cuenca Ecuador.
Jeff was accompanied by three students that participated in the 2022 SANAS Cuenca program;
Kai, Isa and Sidney, all three students shared some of their experiences, stating the immersion
not only perfected their Spanish but exposed them to a different culture that has enriched their
Much like our own youth exchange program, it was evident these students now have family and
ties in Ecuador, relationships that will last a life time.
This year’s program will be June 30, 2023 – July 22, 2023
For more information visit: www.SANASCuenca.weebly.com
President Brian closed the meeting 8:30am
From Your Rotary Nurse….
COVID, Flu and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) UPDATE…..
NEWS: CALIFORNIA’S COVID-19 STATE OF EMERGENCY ENDS TODAY! It has been almost 3 years since our Governor declared a Public Health emergency, issued mandates and earmarked State funds for use in the fight against the pandemic. Even though the State of Emergency ends today, IT DOES NOT MEAN COVID-19 GOES AWAY…… it only means that the government’s approach to this pandemic has changed. We have the experience here in California and in Sonoma County that has proven that we can rally in communities to fight infection and put preventative measures in place. The State wants us to now follow the “SMARTER PLAN” –
1. S for shots
2. M for masks
3. A for awareness
4. R for readiness
5. T for testing
6. E for education
7. R for treatment (RX)
The Federal Government’s COVID-19 State of Emergency will end on May 11th which also means that States will not see help with the cost of testing, treatment and vaccinations. California has seen more than 11 million people contract COVID-19 since the pandemic began 3 years ago with deaths in our State topping 100,000.
So, what does this all mean: it means our pandemic has become an endemic (meaning we will have COVID as a regularly occurring infection or disease within our community) and we need to learn to live with it like the flu. But it also means we still need to be aware of what is going on and take precautions when we are not feeling well or in large groups. We will need a booster COVID shot yearly just like the flu and we just need to live life while being aware of our surroundings.
Because of this, I will not be sharing information weekly with all of you, but rather as I see trends or things happening I think you should know. I am always available to research things for you or answer questions and because of my Public Health background, will be sharing information and trying to educate others. Thanks for putting up with my weekly notices…..
Your Rotary and Public Health Nurse…
Total Cases: 114,328 (month ago 113,184) Recovered: 113,212 (month ago 112,107) Active Cases: 545 (month ago 545)
Deaths: 545 (month ago 532) (****Please be aware that deaths do not get reported always promptly for a variety of reasons and this does not mean that all of these newly reported deaths could have occurred in the past week. ****)
Hospitalized: 25 confirmed cases and 3 in the ICU (month ago 29 confirmed and 2 in the ICU)
Vaccination information…. As of February 26th, 2023, 1,278,622 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County. (month ago 1,271,344). We only have 79% of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose. Have you had your COVID booster and your Flu vaccine? If not, consider making that appointment now.
MASKS: Masks are still encouraged when not feeling well, around those with decreased immune systems and in large indoor crowds. Unless you are eating or drinking, in an indoor situation with other people, other than your “bubble”, consider masking up to protect yourself and others.
TESTING: Testing is still available but we know most people test themselves. Please continue to report to Sonoma County Public Health if you are positive as this helps Public Health know the trends in our community and if new variants and infections are starting.
Stay aware, take care of yourself and others. We will need to live with COVID and find ways to keep infections at a minimal. Carry a mask with you in case you need it
Meeting Bulletin - February 21, 2023
Windsor Town Manager
Minutes from the February 21,2023 Rotary Meeting.
The meeting began at 7:30am with Jo Timson leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by an inspiration from Mike Raascho who essentially encouraged us to "Be and Do our best!" JB lead us in singing "If I had a hammer", which actually everyone seemed to be able to do without the "cheat sheet!"
There were no visiting Rotarians but there were a ton of guests, including Domingo, our Chilean "son", our German "son" Stefan, the student of the year, Esperanza Marquez and her father, Paul Jolly the WHS advisor ,Aron Holiwinsky from the 20/30 club and Gina Fortina-Gibson from the Planning Commision.
•Announcements started by having Daniel Myers, who introduced Paul Jolly, who introduced the student of the year from the STEM core, Esperanza Marquez. What an amazing resume this young woman has with President of MECHA, member of AAUW, and a dancer with the Aztec Dance troupe, on her resume!! To add to that, sh eis playing WHS basketball and soccer, is tutoring students in math, is a soccer player and coach, and plans on going to the University of Arizona to pursue a career in Engineering! She was presented with a Plaque and a check from the Rotary Club by Daniel Myers! BRAVO Esperanza!!
•Carol Martin reminded everyone that there would be a ZOOM Budgetary review meeting on Wednesday evening! It would be an opportunity to review and plan for next year's projects!
•Stefan reported out on his wonderful trip to Hawaii with JB and Carol. Looks like Maui offered opportunities for him to eat, swim, surf and climb on volcanic black sand beaches! LUCKY GUY!! He also expressed gratitude to both Carol Martin and JB Leep for the trip, and to Sandi and Wally Krutz for taking him to the symphony!!
•Beth Smith alerted teh club members of the upcoming fundraiser for PROJECT GRAD on Friday, FEb. 24th, from 4pm to 7pm at Mutt Lynch Winery
•Joan Mora, dressed in the perfect Roaring 20's garb, reminded the members of the updcoming 35th Anniversary party on MARCH 25th at Staubli's! It will be held from 6-10pm, with tickets selling for $75!! Great food, wine, cocktails, dancing and FUN!! BUY YOUR TICKETS now - and DON'T forget to BRING IN a BOTTLE OF NICE WINE or contribute $25!!.
•Monica McCabe put out a request to the club members to "LOAN" plants to the decorating committee for the March 25th event!!
•Michael Juric reminded everyone that it is SCHOLARSHIP season! The application will be on line both for the regular Rotary Scholarship, as well as the Ken Moulton Scholarship, as of April 3rd. Looks like awardees will receive $2000 each!!
•Barbara McChesney reviewed what is coing on in the world of the Environmental area. She reviewed that due to Bill Bolster's suggestion, we have contributed money to the Newport Beach Club to support the Rotary Coral Reef in Panama. There will be 118 Rotary coral reefs "planted" to represent the 118 years of Rotary service. They will also be honoring the first woman president in Rotary! Our club received a Plaque citing their gratitude for our participation in this collaborative project!!
•An announcement was made about the APRIL 22nd Rotary Golf Tournament that will be held at Charlie's and will support Youth Services at the District Level.
•John Hackenburg, Foundation Chair, gave background on the different ways in which people can contribute,to the Rotary Disaster Relief fund. He gave focus to the needs that have developed as a result of the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Susan Cole made a request for the club to contribute $2500 to this fund,in part, due to her personal history with Turkey! She mentioned that her mother was born in Turkey and was relocated to Aleppo.There was a personal invitation to the Club Members to contact Ed Turner or Carol Martin should anyone want to donate to this fund. Members were reminded that they would receive Paul Harris Credit with this donation.
•Mike Ragsdale and Maureen Merrill announced that the District Training Assembly, where you can "learn about all things Rotarian!" will be held on March 31st (social at the Grace Hudson Museum) and April 1st (at the Civic Centr) in Ukiah.
Jon Davis, Windsor Town Manager
Jon Davis hails from the City of Irvine. He started working for the Windsor Town, in 2003. Since that time he has worked for the Town Park and Recreation Department, was the Interim Town manager in 2021, and was appointed to the Town Manager position in August 2022.
He review the roles and responsibility of the Town Manager's office listing the eight areas of focus, which included:
•Employee focus to attract and retain employees
•Building a new budget addressing teh deficit
•Assess the Civic Center Bldg
•Update the Emergency Plan
•Evaluate the Bluebird project (formerly it was approved for low income housing)
•Develop the Town's strategic plan. Emphasis , wit hinptu from the council, commuity a demployees gave focus to fiscal stability
•Strengthen the relations with the Lytton Tribe
•Complete the Roundabout (the Ribbon Cuttingwill be on March 2nd at 5:30pm)
Mr. Davis highlighted the four specific goals of the Town which included:
•Fiscal Health (looking for difference revenue streams by 2025!)
•Livability(creating bike paths, the town green and traffic issues)
•Organizational effectiveness
He also talked about the specifi focus on economic development(2024 sales tax, tourism,etc) , public works (improvement of pedestrian crossing, etc), creating NET ZERO programs (for water reclamation and the development of detention basin projects), Community Development (parklet inthe downtown,food trucks to the Beverage District),restricting locations of Short Term Rentals. He commented on what is going on in the Police Department(increased outreach to the schools, placing cameras around town to reduce criminal activity "off hours"), in Park and Recreation (Windsor Day Parade, Summer nights on the Green, Levi's Granfondo, partnership with Somos Windosr, creating pickleball courts at Hiram Lewis, developing a Veteran's memorial wall in the downtown area, remodeling the Senior Center, Holiday Tree lighting,etc.).
He answered a few questions on issues related to the homeless situation in town, the North bound Arata on ramp, the hotels across from the Snoopy sculpture and north of Olivers, and how does he keep himself organized with all the stuff that is going on??
Jon gave great credit to the team that supports him at the Town acknolewdging that getting things done is a TEAM EFFORT!
Busy GUY!!
Brian thanked everyone for coming and reminded us of our need to sign up fo rthe Anniversary Party, contribute $25 or a bottle of wine and loan some plants to the team for DECORATION!
The meeting ended at 8:33am
respectfully submitted and likely with some level of inaccuracies by,
Pam Moulton
Meeting Bulletin - February 14, 2023
SoCo Superintendent of Schools
Meeting Feb. 14, 2023
Meeting began with a warm Happy Valentine’s Day greeting from greeter Sandie Krutz and
President Brian. Thank you to Joan Mora for the beautiful Valentine theme decorations and
wonderful chocolates.
Michael Juric led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Inspiration by Joan Mora: “Love doesn’t make the world go round but it does make it
worthwhile.” And to quote our local celebrity Charles Schulz “All you need is love. But a little
chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.”
And to add to the heart felt feelings of the day, Heather Cullen lead the club in the song
“Oh what a beautiful morning”.
Guests: Amie Carter, County Superintendent and Eric Wittmershaus, Director of
Ed Turner extends a very warm appreciation to the club for participating in
donations when he revisited the old practice “Pass the Hat”. This use to be done
when there was a baby born to a member of the club. Now the grandbabies keep
coming. Ed and Louise just welcomed their 4 th grandchild, David Paul Turner.
The club donated $180 so Ed matched it and his grandson now has an account
of $360. This is a nice start.
Pam: Club Anniversary Celebration- Mark your calendar for March 25 Roaring 20’s
theme celebrating 35 years as a club. Event will be held at Staubli in Windsor. Some of
our wine in storage is very dated so the committee is asking each member to contribute
a nice bottle of wine ($25 range) or $25 for the event.
Monica: Creating a list of the accomplishments of the club over the course of the past
35 years. She is looking for things in the value of greater than $1,000. If you remember
things, please send to Monica.
Carol is hosting a zoom Rotary Community Foundation meeting on Feb. 22 nd from 6-7:00
or 7:30. If interested in having a voice in how money is spent, please contact Carol and
she will provide you a link.
Sandie: SCARC dinner: Rotary Club of Cloverdale is hosting the S.C.A.RC Annual Crab
feed Feb. 23, 2023
Barbara Environment: Reviewed information from district environmental committee
meeting. All interested in learning more about the environmental area of focus are
welcome to attend meetings. Please contact Barbara for more information. The
February environmental challenge is to ‘Develop a Garden Project’. Don’t forget to
submit your name any time you participate in any of the challenges. The club has $500
available to spend on any project related to the environment.
Brian Williams announced Career Connections Event. Looking for people to table this
event. He also announced that Windsor High School is looking for panelists for Senior
Project presentations. You can contact Brian Williams for more information for both of
these things.
Brian Ling announced Board Meeting will be held at the Krutz house on Wednesday Feb.
15 th at 6pm. All are welcome to attend.
Leslie was present for “recognitions”, better known as fines.
John LeCave-Radio announcer on Sunday morning promoting Real Estate business with
a talk on reverse mortgages.
RAGS-Birth of his second grandson to son Zac.
Barbara for travel.
Leslie-new job as Activity Director at Fountain Grove Lodge
Pam, Michael and Sue for their week at Casa Marada.
Guest speaker Amie Carter, County Superintendent of Schools was introduced by Pam Moulton
as the first woman and first LGBTQ superintendent since the position was defined in 1852. Amie
Carter who began in Jan. 2023, is a daughter of a Rotarian. She is a mother of 5 girls and
grandmother to two children. Her goals include insuring all students have their voices heard
and have opportunities to succeed, expanding and diversifying staff, student safety, and that
educational opportunities reflect the current job market.
Amie provided a dynamic and presentation of the realities facing the students and teachers of
today. These include a shortage of educators, declining student enrollment, high suicide rate of
Black, Hispanic, and female students, serious academic challenges, teacher housing etc. She
described the positive steps being taken by SCOE to address the range of issues. There is a
heavy focus on literacy and reading as well as keeping kids engaged with in person learning.
SCOE is building teacher housing.
Amie did remind everyone that SCOE has limited power in unifying districts and establishing
things like schedules across districts.
Amie shared the many volunteer positions available within the schools and of course donations
are always a need.
It was a wonderful presentation and we all learned a great deal.
The meeting closed with gratitude from President Brian.
Meeting Bulletin - February 7, 2023
Sonoma County Airport
A. Good morning Rotary Club of Windsor by President Brian Ling
B. Pledge of Allegiance led by Beth
C. Inspiration presented by Mike Merrill
E. Visiting Rotarians-
F. Guest: Anastasia Shapniup (Ukraine), Samuel Neylon, Kevin Waldrich, Stephanie Keebler, Noel Leone
G. Student of the year Award
H. Upcoming Events and Announcements
Set/up : Beth and Dave
Greeter: Renee
Song: Geoff Harrison
Scribe: Kathy
Inspiration: Mike Merrill
Guests: : Anastasia Shapniup (Ukraine), Samuel Neylon, Kevin Waldrich, Stephanie Keebler, Noel Leone
K. Closing Comments and adjourn
Thank You to the speakerMeeting Bulletin - January 17, 2023
Craft Talks
Minutes for Rotary Club of Windsor, January 17, 2023
Pledge of Allegiance – Sue Nelson
Song: Bill Bolster in recognition of MLKjr: Amazing Grace
Inspiration – Tom Boylan: Tom spoke of the Rotarian theme of “Creating Hope.”When working with others this vague idea can become concrete through funding, ideas, and projects that give real people real hope.Visiting Rotarians: DGE from Ituiutaba, Brazil: Manuella and Rodrigo Yano. Manuella is the District
Governor for 4770. Thank you to those who are helping to host the Yanos this week.
- Given the uptick in Covid cases, as well as other contagious diseases, please consider wearing a
mask at Rotary events when you are not eating or drinking.
- Club Social for the 5 th Tuesday. We will be bowling at Windsor Bowl on Friday, January 27, at
5:30. Alyssa Johnson is coordinating if you would like to sign up. 707 795 7470 (work).
- Save the Date: March 25, Club Anniversary Celebration. Contact Joan Mora if you would like to
help. Joan@windsorgymnastics.om
- TBD – Monte Carlo/Poker Tournament fundraiser. Londa will give more information soon.
- Environmental Governor’s Citation Award: January challenge: plant some wildflower seeds!
- Michael Juric is looking for help on the scholarship committee. There is an administrative
meeting this Thursday. Michaelj7@comcast.net
Board Meeting summary:
A Coral Reef Project, Environmental Committee ($1950) This will be a large undersea Rotary
Wheel, funded in sections, which will become a coral reef.
Peru Water Catchment Project, International ($8766) supported in part by Engineers without
District Website for Humboldt Earthquake and Ukraine Support. Look on the District website to
contribute if you can @ rotary5130.org
A chaperone is needed to escort Stefan to Austin on March 6-9, and Washington, DC April 20-
22. Airfare and hotel provided. Let Brian know if you can. briansling@gmail.com
WRCF Bylaw approval was sought and approved! Thanks to Carol Martin for conscientious
effort on this; she began working on this in the last millennium.
Program Speakers:
The DGE Manuella Yano spoke with the translating help of her husband Rodrigo, on the wonderful
efforts of 5130 Rotary Clubs (including Windsor) to bring an operating room to Potal do Triangulo
Mineiro, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is a perfect example of creating hope. Gifts and banners were
Craft Talk:
Brian Williams, Principal of Windsor High School spoke on how he is a first hand example of how when a
smart child is told they are good at everything, or even some particular things (that is, when results are
valued over effort) then sometimes the child will fail to try rather than fail to succeed. He put minimal
effort into high school, and then joined the Marine Corps where he found that when you put the work
in, success follows. He shared his path through community college, UCLA, a Masters Program, and
classroom teaching, which led him to his real raison d’etre , administration. He really enjoys being a
principal – likes to shake things up and make big changes early in the process. He fell in love with
Windsor – which he called “Mayberry.” He has been an elementary school principal, middle school
principal and is now the principal at Windsor High – where the highs are higher and the lows are lower.
Maureen Merrill, a woman of many hats. Maureen shared that although she has had many
impermanent addresses and changing schools, she has had but one true and permanent love – Mike.
Maureen is a life coach – helping others to find confidence and clarification of their values and desires.
She helps others recognize choices and build teams. She has owned a health club (becoming a prize
winning weight lifter), property manager and speech coach. She has been active in local politics, serving
on the first Windsor town council.
Thank you to Steve and Mitch for set up.
Latest update from your Rotary Nurse….
COVID, Flu and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) UPDATE…..
NEWS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT NEW VARIANTS OF CORONAVIRUS………. They will continue to occur, so mask up and protect yourself with a bivalent booster and flu shot if you have not. Currently, XBB1.5 is the current dominant variant causing illness here in the US and in Sonoma County! The CDC works with State and local Public Health to monitor the spread of these variants. XBB1.5 is highly contagious, and spreads more easily than earlier variants. Anyone with Omicron infection, regardless of vaccination status can spread this, but vaccinations help to prevent severe illness, hospitalizations and death.
We continue to see infections from the Flu also here in Sonoma County and with this and the new variant of Omicron, has led to increased ER visits, Dr office visits and hospitalizations. Avoid large crowds and protect our more vulnerable citizens by wearing a mask in crowded or indoor situations. Public Health is asking our residents to wear a mask in indoor situations and especially crowded situations in order to protect yourself and others. Please be sure your mask provides the best fit and filtration such as the N95, KN95 and KN94 type masks. Surgical, paper or cloth masks are not recommended.
Total Cases: 112,978 (last week 112,714) Recovered: 111,660 (last week 111,130) Active Cases: 1053 (last week 1053)
Deaths: 532 (last week 531) (****Please be aware that deaths do not get reported always promptly for a variety of reasons and this does not mean that all of these newly reported deaths could have occurred in the past week. ****)
Hospitalized: 37 confirmed cases and 3 in the ICU (last week 48 confirmed and 3 in the ICU)
Vaccination information…. As of January 15th, 2023, 1,271,227 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County. (last week 1,268,903). We only have 79% of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose. Have you had your COVID booster and your Flu vaccine? If not, consider making that appointment now.
MASKS: Masks are highly being encouraged during this season of increase COVID, the Flu and RSV. Public Health is really encouraging the use of masks again in indoor settings and especially in crowded situations or around anyone who is medically fragile. The “triplex” or “tridemic” of viruses in our County are causing sickness with increased hospitalizations and ICU stays. As stated, be sure to use a good mask like the N95, KN95 or KF 94 as paper masks, cloth masks or even surgical masks have found not to be effective. Unless you are eating or drinking, in an indoor situation with other people, other than your “bubble”, consider masking up to protect yourself and others.
TESTING: Go to socoemergency.org to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County. Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County. My Agency, At Home Nursing, is still available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR) at no charge if you are having any issues finding an appointment. Just call my office at 707-546-8773 and make an appointment with us. We also provide FIT testing for a N95 mask at no charge so that it fits properly. We are able to sell you N95 masks. And we are always willing to answer any questions you may have. If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting: https://socoemergency.org/events/category/pop-up-vaccine or call 707-565-4667.
Please take care of yourself and others. Getting COVID is not fun and as residents, we need to do everything we can to protect our most vulnerable residents. A booster with the new bivalent type vaccine is encouraged if you have not had one as is getting your annual Flu vaccine. Carry a mask with you in case you need it …… take care of yourself and others please as we try and get through this season of flu and other respiratory Infections!!
Meeting Bulletin - January 10, 2023
Round Table Questions
Happy New Year fellow Rotarians and friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin,
Today’s minutes are from January 10, 2023
Pledge of Allegiance: Robin Resendez
INSPIRATION: Terry Andreacchi “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take
your eyes off your goals.” — Henry FordSONG: JB Leep: lead us in a slower version of “Daisy Daisy” Good pace for us,
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS are essentially part of our family; youth exchange student Stefan from
Germany and Domingo a former ye student here from Chili attending SRJC.
We were missing some of Rotarians this morning as we have had several exposed and or test
positive for covid in the last week. Definitely a reminder this pandemic is not behind us as yet
and we need to be mindful. Social Distancing, Wear a Mask, Wash your Hands.
Our thoughts to all those under the weather, hope to see you soon
Dark: 5th Tuesday January 31 st .
In place of our meeting we will have a bowling night January 27 th @ Windsor Bowling Alley
5:30pm. Sign up at the next couple of meetings or contact Alissa Johnson so we know how
many lanes to reserve. Cost to be determined by attendance approximately $20.-25.00 per
person. Alissa@sonomacorr.com
Monte Carlo Night has morphed into a Porker Tournament and a date change, looking at April
8, but to be announced. Volunteers needed: Set up and Dealers, Brian Williams says no
problem if you do not know how to deal, they will teach you. The tournament is to be held at
the Lakewood Community Village inside Raley’s.
Board Meeting January 16, 2023 location to be announced
Rotary Club of Windsor 35 th Anniversary Celebration Speak Easy Theme March 25, 2023, @
Staubli 100 Market Street, Windsor. Volunteer & RSVP Joan Mora,
JB Leep our Program & Speaker chair extraordinaire is offering a meeting at his home
Wednesday January 11 th 6pm to gather ideas and suggestions for future programs & speakers
for our meetings. Great opportunity to share your ideas and interests, contact JB:
Steve Klick will celebrate his birthday tomorrow 1/11/23, HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!
Congratulation go out to Lea Hansen, Michael Ragsdale and Robin Resendez, we celebrate your
anniversary as Windsor Rotarians.
JB created a Round Table question and discussion activity as our program today; it was quite
fun and motivating. JB put forth a question we answered individually at our tables, and then
switched a few people at each table for question 2, and again for question 3.
Each table then shared a notable response to the club.
1. What is the first thing you would do if you received twenty million dollars?
2. What job have you done that you would enjoy doing again? Not your current job
3. What would you like to volunteer to do within your community that would make a
Interesting to hear the responses and learn more about your fellow Rotarian. Good to conclude
with what we as Rotarians can do to uplift our community.
President Brian closed the meeting 8:30am
Meeting Bulletin - January 3, 2023
Steven Campbell
First meeting of the new year which began around 7:34am. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Terry Andreacchi, with an inspiration by Renee Hyde where she reminded us that we frequently make New Year's resolutions to change ourselves. She suggested that our resolution this year is to SEE YOURSELF!
Heather Cullen led us in a version of "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" with some level of enthusiasm! Two Rotarians from Orange Plaza Rotary Club in Orange County (Southern California) were introduced. Welcome Tracey Curtis and Joe Colombo!
A series of Announcements were made, and events that are coming up, which included:
•January 31st - is our FIFTH TUESDAY so DON"T come to the meeting.... It looks like there may be a bowling event - NO DATE SET
•February 4th April 8 - Monte Carlo night Fundraiser to be held at the Community Center at Raley's (date was subsequently changed to April 8).
•Replanting native seeds is being encouraged under the JANUARY theme under the Environmental Governor Citation Award, this month
•JB mentioned that he was holding a meeting at his home on WEDNESDAY, January 11th to discuss possible programs EVERYONE IS WELCOME
•Michael Juric , who is chairing the Scholarship Committee this year, indicated that he is looking for Team members to assist in the screening of potential scholarship recipients.
•MARCH 25th has been selected as the day for our ANNIVERSARY PARTY! Details to follow, but it will be held at Staubli, and themed dress will be encouraged!
•With Catherine still out for a while, Brian is asking that members volunteer to be SECRETARY for the day (through the end of January) - please contact Brian if you are interested!
•JB made an announcement about "Waste Less Windsor" where he suggested that we reduce trash, encourage switching to and use of compostible containers, as well as returning the plastic bags that you are not using to the grocery store.
•Chris Landwehr requested that members find replacements when they are unable to do their weekly chore for the club!
•Michael Juric announced that he is celebrating the "30th anniversary of his 40th birthday" on January 7th.
•Bill Bolster publicly thanked JB for all his effort with putting together wonderful programs over the last several years!!
•Diane Brabetz mentioned that she put out a Salvation Army can at her office in the name of (past Rotarian and "Santa") Dick Bishop. She mentioned that her company was able to raise $1000!!
JB introduced our speaker, STEVEN CAMPBELL, who was familiar with the Windsor Club, having spoke to us four years ago!! He is an author, speaker, and mentor with a BA in Zoology and MA in information technology. He mentioned that his early history included teaching. He made note that he had been asked to teach math at one point, but doubted that he would be successful. He felt that his success in teaching math, despite his reticence, was due to the fact that he was able to change his self-talk about his "negative sense of his capacity" He has been a professional motivational speaker for over 30 years, and has published three books.
He highlighted how we can create new ways of thinking by changing negative messaging to positive affirmations. He made note that much of individual say to themselves on a regular basis is negative, which further encourages individuals be believe what they are telling themselves. He is a firm believer in the power of changing one's self talk in order to self improve. He encouraged people to start replacing negative self talk in order to activate change. He suggested that we break our perspective into three time frames - the PAST (which we can't do anything about), the PRESENT, and the FUTURE. He also suggested that as you are approaching goals, one should acknowledge that the only time frame within which you have control is the PRESENT. A successful present, will open the door to having impact on the FUTURE!
Mr. Campbell encouraged the audience to take what you want to be your future, and speak of it in the PRESENT tense. Live your life as though you had already met that particular goal (loss of weight, a new job, etc.). When you do something very well, and are acknowledged for your accomplishment, embrace the compliment rather than have it "fall to the floor!" Respond to compliments with "Thanks, I know!" Your brain will respond and, eventually, your "negative wires" will respond with "of course you did a great job! This is LEARNED OPTIMISM.
It was noted that the brain doesn't have a sense of time, so when you "blow it," the brain will cluster all the crummy things that you have done into one pile of "dumb things." It is incumbent upon each individual to unravel that mess, and give yourself permission to acknowledge that you could have done better, forgive yourself and move on! the brain needs reinforcement!!
REMEMBER, Failure doesn't equate to being a failure!
Steven suggested that we create personal affirmations which are reviewed EVERY MORNING that:
The meeting closed with Brian telling the club that he is so proud of all the things that we are doing and we reminded them that we are kicking off the second half of the year with a TON of opportunities for members...the District Assembly, The District Conference (in Lake County) and the International Convention in Australia, Increased opportunities to serve both locally and internationally - not to mention our mini -fundraiser on February 4th and the 35th Anniversary party on March 25th.
He thanked the members who assisted this week with Set-up ( Brian), Greeter (Doug), the song (Heather), the scribe (Pam) the Inspiration (Renee) and our guests! He reminded us that Domingo is still looking for jobs to raise money to go see his girlfriend and encouraged us to "be ourselves, be great Rotarians!"
Meeting bell rang at 8:31am.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Moulton
COVID, Flu and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) UPDATE…..
NEW OMICRON VARIANT (XBB1.5) HAS DEVELOPED AND IS HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS! Cases from this new variant have risen from 4% to over 41% during the month of December. It has the potential to drive a new surge of disease - it is the result of 2 variants coming together and forming a new virus. This mutation is clearly allowing the virus to spread better and is of concern to virologists and specialists in infectious disease. So, three years into the pandemic, COVID-19 remains stubborn and persists.
Added to this, we are continuing to see infections from the Flu and RSV. All of this is contributing to increased hospital admissions, ER Visits and Drs’ office full of ill and contagious individuals. PLEASE GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE BREATHING, PERSISTENT PAIN OR PRESSURE IN YOUR CHEST, CONFUSION, INABILITY TO WAKE OR STAY AWAKE , AND IF YOUR SKIN BECOMES BLUISH IN COLOR. This can mean you are not getting proper oxygen, could be signs of a heart attack or even pneumonia. If you have cold or flu type symptoms, stay home, drink plenty of fluids, use a cool mist humidifier, prop yourself up on pillows when sleeping, rest and sleep as much as you can and treat your symptoms. Contact your physician if your symptoms worsen or you have any of the above serious symptoms.
Total Cases: 112,350 (last week 111,885) Recovered: 110,746 (last week 110,073) Active Cases: 1073 (last week 1284)
Deaths: 531 (last week 528) (****Please be aware that deaths do not get reported always promptly for a variety of reasons and this does not mean that all of these newly reported deaths could have occurred in the past week. ****)
Hospitalized: 46 confirmed cases and 2 in the ICU (last week 39 confirmed and 6 in the ICU)
Vaccination information…. As of January 1st, 2023, 1,266,719 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County. (last week 1,264,049). We only have 79% of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose. Have you had your COVID booster and your Flu vaccine? If not, consider making that appointment now.
MASKS: Masks, although optional most places, are being encouraged during this season of increase COVID, the Flu and RSV. Public Health is encouraging the use of masks again in indoor settings and especially in crowded situations or around anyone who is medically fragile. The “triplex” or “tridemic” of viruses in our County are causing sickness with increased hospitalizations and ICU stays. As stated, be sure to use a good mask like the N95, KN95 or KF 94 as paper masks, cloth masks or even surgical masks have found not to be effective.
TESTING: Go to socoemergency.org to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County. Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County. My Agency, At Home Nursing, is still available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR) at no charge if you are having any issues finding an appointment. Just call my office at 707-546-8773 and make an appointment with us. We also provide FIT testing for a N95 mask at no charge so that it fits properly. We are able to sell you N95 masks. And we are always willing to answer any questions you may have. If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting: https://socoemergency.org/events/category/pop-up-vaccine or call 707-565-4667.
Please realize that COVID-19 is still out there, as is the Flu and RSV and just be careful around crowds or others that appear ill. Carry a mask with you in case you need it …… Infections are still prevalent, happen quickly and will sideline you if you test positive. Practice good infection control and stay safe and protect our youngest citizens!
The mission of the Rotary Club of Windsor is to serve our community and the world. We strive to better communicate with our members and with the community to inspire and mobilize both our local and global community in health, education, and peace to create transformative change.
Tuesday at 7:15 a.m.
Windsor Golf Course
1320 19th Hole Dr.
Windsor, CA 95492
Map it
P.O. Box 819
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: 707-892-0492
Email: info1@windsorrotary.org