Bulletins – 2023 Q3
Good Day fellow Rotarians, friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin. Today’s minutes are from TUESDAY August 22, 2023 The Mission of Windsor Rotary The Windsor Rotary Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit, Fed EIN #68-0185065. WEEKLY MEETINGS Charlie’s Restaurant Rotary Club of WindsorMeeting Bulletin - September 26, 2023
SRJC Public Safety Training Center
Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting notes September 26, 2023
Meeting Bulletin – September 5, 2023
Heather Cullen on the Windsor Academy of Performing Arts
9/4/23 Minutes Rotary Club of Windsor
Thank you:
Set up: Kurt Mitchler
AV Setup: JB
Greeter: Maureen Merrill
Song: Geoff Harrison
Scribe: Monica McCabe
Inspiration: Leah Hansen
Photos: Londa
Respectfully submitted: Monica McCabe, Scribe
Meeting Bulletin - August 22, 2023
Craft Talks: Robin Resendez and Wally Krutz
Pledge of Allegiance: Catherine Hanron
INSPIRATION: Maureen Merrill: Quote by Steve Jobs, “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”
SONG: Susan Cole with the help of Maureen led us in a lively version of Sweet Caroline, by Neil Diamond.
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Domingo introduced our YE Daughter Louis from France, and Kate Smith; our recently returned exchange student, this will be Kate’s & her sister Emma’s last meeting for a while as they are both leaving to attend Grand Canyon University in Arizona later this week. We will miss you both, enjoy your adventure!
NO MEETING AUGUST 29TH, 5TH TUESDAY event to be announced.
Renee Hyde reported the “Concert Bar” had another great night last week, $2200+. We have two regular concerts left; she is pretty good on staff for this Thursday but is need of one more server for August 31st. Volunteers are always welcome!
Leah Hansen announced the Windsor Day Parade will be held September 30th, we are in need of volunteers to help get the Rotary Balloon ready and help walk with the balloon during the parade. Participating in the Windsor Parade is a short time commitment and great fun!!
Larry McCabe has been working on updating our By-Laws, this procedure requires voter approval by Rotary members. Larry sent a copy of the revised by-laws a few weeks ago to all members, received some feedback from a couple of members, has made those revisions and will be sending again this week for members review. Please be prepared to vote on the by-laws revisions, at our next meeting September 5th. Thank You Larry,
Pam Moulton, International Chair, asked for members interested in being a part of the international committee, she was pleased to have at least 6 members respond. Yeah!Carol Martin announced there will be two meetings concerning Budgeting:
If you have a project you are interested in being involved with and will need funding, curious about how the finances of the club & foundation work, these meetings are for you.
Club Budget Tuesday August 29th, 6pm Ed Turners office at the Airport Center
Foundation Budget Wednesday August 30th, 6pm Ed Turners office at the Airport Center
Carol also shared that Rotary International has narrowed their selection for the 2029 International Convention to either San Francisco or Minneapolis. There will be a Rotary site selection group in San Francisco early September and they are planning to attend a Giants game Sept 8th. Join us for Rotary Day at the Giants! It would be great to have a whole section filled with Rotarians
JB’s position of Program Chair needs a replacement, possibly a committee? Interested members please contact JB Leep or Doug Williams.
Russian River Clean Up: September 16th, contact Barbara McChesney, barbsmcc@gmail.com
October 28th: Windsor Food and Toy Halloween Fundraiser save the date, contact Larry McCabe: windsormccabe@gmail.com
NOVEMBER 11TH: Honoring Nation’s Finest, save the date, more information to come.
We had many August Birthdays and Anniversaries,
Happy Birthday:
Bill Bolster 8/8
Heather Cullen 8/16
Brian Ling 8/16
Art Diaz 8/21
Larry McCabe 8/23
Maureen Merrill 8/24
Happy Anniversary:
John & Sue Nelson 8/6 46 years,
Brian & Debbie Ling 8/10 38 years,
Ed & Louise Turner 8/12 45 years
Robin & Carlos Resendez 8/18 5 years
John & Donna LaCave 8/23
Mitch & Bunnie Grandie 8/28
Around 1895 Clara McClelland married Atlas Hembree. House at 295 Windsor River is built.
Craft Talk: Robin Resendez:
Robin moved to Windsor in 1990, when she was 4 years old, she is the middle child with an older and younger brother. Robin’s father was a SR policeman and she stated her parents are her role model as they have been happily married for 38 years.
Robin’s education started at Mattie Washburn and she graduated from Windsor High School in 2005. She attended SRJC, with a major in Criminal Justice and a minor in Anthropology.
Robin worked for Victims Service Advocacy for four years until the program was discontinued.
She married Carlos Resendez in 2018; between the two of them they have five children and have made their home here in Windsor, where their children now attend school.
Robin has worked as Service Manager @ Renee Hyde Insurance and Financial Services for the last three years, she is licensed in Personal Lines, Life & Health and is passionate about children’s Whole Life, as she has learned it is a way to create an instant estate for your children and secure them with guaranteed insurability.
When Robin is not working or tending children she enjoys Reading, she started a book club during covid, and has returned to her love of painting.
She also loves to travel and had the opportunity to visit Scotland last year, she added that Scotland was absolutely beautiful!.
Robin also enjoys cooking, volunteer work and Rotary.
Personal Title: The Mom – The Myth – The Legend
Craft Talk: Wally Krutz
Wally was born in Chicago Illinois in 1947, the same year the transistor was invented.
Wally’s father was tinker, builder and photographer; he worked as a photographer for the Army Engineer Core. His Mother was a professional secretary and assistant editor, predominately of Illinois History. Both his parents were very community orientated.
Wally contracted measles, mumps & chicken pox all at the same time as a toddler, he lost the hearing in one ear as a result.
Wally stated where he grew up he really did walk a mile to and from school in the 1st grade. Wally got his first job, a paper route, in the 6th grade and got a job at a gas station in the 8th grade.
Wally’s father purchased his first car in 1955, didn’t sound with Wally’s approval he bought a Ford. Wally bought his 54 Chevy in his sophomore year, claims there was a bullet hole in the trunk. I understood Wally to say he would purchase a car, do some work on it, sell it and upgrade his vehicle until his purchase of his first new car; 1967 Chevy Impala.
Wally met Sandie while they were both in high school; Wally graduated in 1966 and went on to School of aviation to become an air craft mechanic. He was offered a job by Bell Helicopter, Boeing and United Airlines while still in school. When he completed aviation course he did go to work for United Airlines.
Wally and Sandie married 7/12/69, they honeymooned in Hawaii, and they just celebrated 54 years of marriage. In 1970 Wally had the opportunity to see a field of the brand new 747’s.
They bought their first home in Illinois in 1970 for $16,000.00. They adopted their son Rick in 1980 and moved to Newark New Jersey in 1983, shortly after they received a call that took them to Oregon to adopt their daughter Kathy.
Wally continued to advance with United and he and Sandie came to the San Francisco bay area in 1991. Wally became a Rotary – Andy in 1992 as Sandie was the Rotarian.
Wally was doing consulting in 2001 and joined the Rotary Club of Windsor in 2008,
Kathy, his daughter, was married last year and in June 2023 he received the gift of a Grandchild.
President Doug adjourned the meeting 8:30am
Meeting Bulletin - August 15, 2023
Brian McClatchey Explains Indian Law
August 15, 2023
Good morning from President Doug
Pledge of Allegiance – Susan Cole
Inspiration – Rags
Song – JB: “Frere Jacques” in honor of our new Exchange Student
Visiting guests: Kate Smith, Everett Michael Juric (age 1), Allison Griggs (Windsor School District) and our new Exchange Student, Ann Louise
Upcoming Events:
Our club is donating $500 to the Lahaina Rotary Club Fire Fund, Donations can be made from the Rotary website. Reminder: our theme this year is, “Did I make a difference? What hurts did I heal?”
8/19/23 Game of Throws (Cornhole) fundraiser for Nation’s Finest. Details at https://nationsfinest.org/game-of-throws/
8/21, 6 pm. Board Meeting at Ed’s office, Airport Business Center, 414 Aviation Blvd. Committee heads are reminded to please hand in their goals sheets in advance.
8/22, Regular meeting; speaker will be Michelle Chabody on Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
8/29 is 5th Tuesday, so no regular meeting. A social alternative will be announced soon.
11/11 Veterans Day Lunch and Bagpipes at Nation’s Finest
Saturday’s Debunking of Past President Brian was a huge success! Thanks to Pam and her team ! It really takes a Club to raise a debunking! Special thanks to Bill Bolster for the use of his marvelous barn!
Rotary Bar: made $2300 last week for the International Fund
There is a Russian River Clean up on 9/16. Barbara McChesney has information.
Halloween Party: Larry McCabe put out a save the date: October 21 will be a Windsor Circle Halloween Party for Adults at the Odd Fellows Hall, which will benefit the annual Food and Toy Drive. $30/person, with snacks, dancing and costume contest. The following week will be a Halloween Party for teens at the same location.
Our new exchange student is Anne Louise from Western France. She is currently staying with the Williams family.
Our former exchange student Stefan sends greetings and news that he has been accepted to the University of Potsdam (one of 110 students) and has won a large German IT scholarship!
We said goodbye to Natalie Huie who is leaving for Taiwan on Saturday. She is grateful for our help and hopes to immerse herself in Taiwanese culture, and become fluent in Mandarin.
Guest Speaker: Brian McClatchey, esq.
Mr. McClatchey and his law firm represent the Graton Tribe. He gave a brief overview of how Tribal Law is individual to each nation, and Federal Indian Law comes from the United States Government. The Federal Government precludes States relationships to Tribes. The Federal Government has unrestrained power over Tribes. California has had a uniquely bad history of selling off tribal lands and is now trying to restore lands. Graton was terminated then restored in 2000 and affects 5 local tribes. The US Government still owns the lands of reservations. Gaming has become an important source of income because tribes cannot impose property tax. In determining whether tribal gaming can begin, it must be determined that the gaming will be beneficial to the tribe and that it will not be harmful to the neighbors.
Thanks to today’s helpers:
Set up: Beth, JB, Terry
Greeter: Leah
Song: JB
Inspiration: Rags
Photography: Sue Nelson
Respectfully Submitted: Monica McCabe, Scribe
Meeting Bulletin – August 8, 2023
RYLA students share their stories
The meeting was opened by President Doug Williams, with Michael Ragsdale leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
Member Mike Rausch provided an inspiration from Nelson Mandela in honor of our youth-focused meeting.
INSPIRATION: Mike Rausch- Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Heather Cullen lead us singing “This land is your land” with her teacher visual strategies.
Today’s guests included RyLA students-Kai, Cynthia and Ava, Windsor high school college and career counselor Jennifer Taddei, and outbound student-Natalie. Natalie was selling more of her beautiful baked treats!
Doug reminded us that our role as Rotarians is to ‘make a difference’.
A special happy 40th anniversary for Bill Bolster’s 40th birthday. He said “age is just a number and mine is unlisted.”
Renee-Allison Stanfield, former exchange student is the US representative for Rotex to the board.
Rotary bar is doing well and still needs a bit of help before the season closes. Contact Renee.
Sandie Krutz announced that inbound exchange student needs a ride to Eureka on Aug. 18. Please let her know if you are available.
Jo Timmsen announced that she has been sky diving for 50 years and is now a certified foundation sky diving judge. Congratulations!
Membership chair Maureen Merrill lead an activity to engage members in membership drive. It is a time to rebuild. Many hands make light work. Members generally fall into one of 3 leadership areas when it comes to recruiting new members. There are the inviters who get things going up front; there are the expediters who get things done behind the scenes; and the mentors big picture get things right. Maureen invited up Jeff as an example of an inviter and Renee as an expediter. She then divided club into groups by colors. Each team committed to bringing in one new member. Great work Maureen! We can do this!
SPEAKER: Pegi Ball introduced RYLA students Kai, Cynthia, and Ava. They began their presentation with a message from RYLA director Cassie thanking all who made the event happen.
Kai began telling us that RYLA was the most impactful camp he has attended in his life, even more so than the camp he attended at Yale. The accommodations were rather rustic compared to others. However, RYLA created a community and environment which fostered deep connections. Students felt completely comfortable, welcome, and safe.
Cynthia shared that everything she learned at RYLA prepared her for all other camps and for everything she will be doing for her senior year. The counselors were really awesome, and she expressed a special appreciation for Tom Boylan, Jennifer Strong, Carol Martin, and Pegi Ball.
Ava stated that it is a really hard time for teenagers. She found great inspiration in meeting others with similar values and creating emotional connections. RYLA tremendously changed her life for the better.
The students said RYLA Norhern California is vastly different from other RYLA programs and is the best in the country. It is run by alumni. The students made a deep connection with the camp leaders. The speakers talked about professions they hadn’t heard about before, how to lead, how to get jobs.
They showed a fantastic video of the highlights of the week. In the video students were asked to complete the sentence “My community needs a leader like me”. The responses were varied but the overriding themes were environment, diversity, connection, mental health, making the world a better place.
Favorite aspects of RYLA included speakers addressing such topics as social media, identity, and problem-solving skills. Camp counselors talked about their own professions and life paths, providing important guidance for the problem solvers of tomorrow.
These future leaders found it to be a profound experience, pushing students out of their comfort zone, exposing vulnerabilities and creating tremendous growth.
These kids are very interested in starting an Interact club at their school. They are an inspiration and provide hope for the future.
Doug closed with words of encouragement and support from Rotary to young people. He encouraged the club to support interact. He reminded us that we are the home club for the district governor and will have work to do. He gave a heartfelt thank you to thank all who helped make the meeting possible.
Meeting Bulletin - July 25, 2023
Kate Smith Youth Exchange - Back from Japan!
The meeting was opened by President Doug William, with Renee Hyde leading us in the Pledge and President Doug inspiring us with words from Omar Bradley “Set your course by the starts, not my the lights of every ship!”
JB led us in singing. “this land is your Land” which was preceded with a little history of its popularity and rating in the top 500 songs. It landed at #229, just ahead of “My Generation!!”
A visiting Rotarian from San Felipe, ,Mexico (did not catch his name). He expressed some in interest in working on a collaborative grant with our club, at some point! Our guests included all of Kate Smith’s immediate family, including her father, Donnie, and Emma, her sister. Beth Smith, her mother and Rotarian introduced everyone!! Our outgoing Exchange Student, Natalie Huey was there selling CHOCOLATE cookies !!
Lots of July Birthdays, including Jason Black, Brian Ling, Tom Hassur, Catherine Hanron and Scott Bonin.
Anniversaries included Boyd, Mike and Maureen, Sandie and Wally and Steve and Mapi…All in the double digits!! Sandie and Wally win with 54 years under their belts!!
The Club calendar highlights are:
August 1 - Club Engagement meeting along with our exchange Student Rebecca Mortensen.
August 12 - Past President Brian’s Debunking
August 21 - Board meeting
Doug listed the names of the Club Leaders - with whom we will get to meet next week!!
Announcements included:
•(Pam and Monica) information on the debunking
•(Carol)Information on the withdrawal policies for invested funds in the Community Foundation
•(Sue N.) Information on Rotary members/team that are looking at other investment opportunities to manage and maximize our funds
•JB will be retiring as Program Chair and we are looking for some one/many to assume his position, including having a Program Chair of the month (Sandie)
•(Bill) looking for volunteers to help prepare his barn and property for the upcoming debunking - Date - AUGUST 5th at 9:00am at Bill’s Barn
Speaker: - Kate Smith
Beth Smith introduced her daughter, Kate, who has returned fro her year in Kanazawa, Japan and is preparing to go to Grand Canyon University where she will be studying to become a teacher with focus on teaching English as a second language.
Kate reviewed the process that she experienced in preparing for her year abroad which include waiting for an extra year! During that year she took advantage of the time to learn German (her intended first destination before Covid) and then Japanese.
When in Japan, she mentioned that she lived with four families each of whom have an obligation to Rotary to take two exchange students if their child is able to do an exchange through Rotary. While abroad, Kate mentioned that she spent many hours walking on a daily basis such that she could photograph and familiarize herself with Kanazawa. Visiting 63 cafes and 25 restaurants, it appears that she was able to get to know much of her “adopted” city!! She was able to photograph and experience Kanazawa through the many physical changes of the seasons,, including the booming and unblooming cherry trees. She acknowledged that some of the seasonal changes, including snow, presented some challenges in her daily walks.
Kate gave a little history of Kanazawa noting that it is an older city that was not impacted by the war. As a result few accommodations have been instituted for individuals who are wheelchair users. She made noted that the roads were built to be used by horcses
Kate spoke of her interest in learning how to speak Japanese (which sounded pretty good to all of us!) and to learn the “Chinese” symbols. She was also able to share many of the American holiday traditions with her families, including dying and hiding Easter eggs. Thanksgiving, Halloween, and a Christmas meal. She made note that her family sent her the ingredients to be able to make Halloween cookies, gingerbread houses and her grandmother’s special cookie recipe!!
Kate took on the challenge of learning how to use the trains, get together with other Rotarians, choose her kimono, cook and establish friends with whom she is maintaining a “pen pal” relationship. She spoke of taking on a leadership role with the other members of her cohort.
She did quite a bit of travel including trips to Osaka, Hiroshima and Kyoto. She expressed gratitude to both her families in Japan and to the Rotary club for being able to have such an amazing experience.
At the end of her presentation, Kate was asked a few questions which included “What stands out” for her experience in Japan. Her responses included the friends that she made and the Japanese Culture! She also stated that some of her preconceived ideas regarding the Japanese were “serious and studious” were “blown out of the water.” She noted that oftentimes she would see people sleeping in class, at Rotary meetings, on the street and the library. She mentioned that this behavior is acceptable and that the teachers are lenient. She just acknowledged an awareness that “everyone is different” no matter where they live!
She completed her presentation by giving a Rotary flag from her Japanese club to President Doug and expressed gratitude to the Windsor Club for allowing her to have such a wonderful experience. She reiterated the message that Rotary encourages “Teaching Peace One student at at time.”
President Doug closed the meeting by mentioning that he had been in Japan in 1971 with Bill Conklin for a (Boy Scout) World Jamboree. A round of thanks to all who assisted in setting up and organizing the meeting!Meeting Bulletin - July 18, 2023
Reverend Mary Beene
Today’s minutes are from TUESDAY, April 11, 2023
Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by Steve Klick
INSPIRATION: Bill Bolster: A lot of good words, but to summarize: Attitude, “it is not what
happens to you, it is how you respond to it”
SONG: Carol Martin led us in “Oh What a Beautiful Morning”
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Chris Landwehr introduced; Pam Geiss & Mary Beene, Michael Juric
introduced our Student of the month; Xiemena and her mother Angelica, as well as our
returning YE student, Kate Smith and our outbound YE student Natalie.
Sandie Krutz Brian Williams (past principal of Windsor HS) has been promoted to Assistant
Superintendent of Windsor School District, Congratulations Brian!
Carol Martin announced the Rotary Bar had another good night; bringing in $2500.00 for
International Projects.
JB shared he is going to watch a solar eclipse April 7, 2024, south of Dallas/Ft. Worth, if interested
in joining him for this spectacular event please contact JB, jbleep1@gmail.com.
Chris Landwehr sent out an email with Club Duties, it is also listed on the website.
President Doug gave a brief summary of the 7/17/ Board Meeting:
Carol Martin presented a financial review of both the Club and Foundation, both in good shape.
JB Leep announced to the board that after his many years of providing the club with fabulous
speakers, he is moving on to other activities, JB is giving us a couple of months’ notice but will
end his Program duties the end of September. He stated providing speakers for the club
meetings gave him the opportunity to meet some wonderful people. Please contact JB or
President Doug if you are interested in Program scheduling.
Larry McCabe is working on updating our By-Laws as a few areas are outdated; this procedure
requires voter approval by Rotary members. Larry will be sending an email with proposed
changes, please review, details on voting will be announced.
2023 – 2024 Board members were selected and presented to the club for approval.
Brian Ling, (immediate past president), Carol Martin & Ed Turner, (Treasures), Catherine
Hanron, (Secretary), Barbara McChesney, (President Elect), Larry McCabe (President elect
Nominee), Patrick Dunn, and Pegi Ball.
Sue Nelson made a motion to accept and finalize the proposed board members, Terry
Andreacchi seconds the motion, and proposal was passed unanimously.
The Board meets the third Monday of each Month 6pm, all members welcome to attend.
August 1877, two year child falls into a well 80 feet deep, A 12-year old was lowered by rope
and safely rescued the child.
Scholarships: Michael Juric stated since the inception of the Ken Moulton Scholarship Program
we have provided 6 scholarships, ($6,000.00) and total in Scholarships from the club
$200,000.00. That is impressive!
Michael introduced our student of the month Xiemena,
Xiemena lives in Santa Rosa, however, thru district transfer has attended Windsor School
District, first attending Cali Calmécac and presently Windsor High School. She is planning to
attend San Diego State, majoring in bi-lingual liberal studies and plans to become a
Kindergarten school teacher.
Michael ask Xiemena what touches her heart, she shared her senior project was shadowing
with a kindergarten teacher, working with the students made her heart sing, she has always
wanted to be a teacher.
Xiemena is a member of the Key Club at WHS and is very active in the community, she has
volunteered as a bilingual teacher assistant, volunteers at Well is Well, The Redwood Empire
Food Bank, Boys & Girls Club and any other events happening in the community, all while
keeping a 3.997 GPA for all four years of high school.
Michael asks her what area of focus she felt we should all be working on? Her response:
Climate Change.
President Doug’s theme for this year is: Did I make a Difference in Someone’s Life? I believe
our Scholarship program is a good example of creating that opportunity for our young people
and Xiemena is living proof that this philosophy is in good hands.
Speaker: Reverend Mary Beene
Reverend Mary Beene has been the Pastor at the Presbyterian Church in Windsor for the last
three years, when she came to Windsor to interview for the position the town was being
evacuated due to the Tubbs fire, she accepted the position and started her job February of
2020, just weeks before the COVID lock down. Mary is a “Jump in with both feet” kind of gal
and Mary more than rose to the challenge. Churches services were held via Zoom, and she
became aware people were really struggling with the covid crisis.
The church had a small food pantry when she arrived and when covid first hit it was suggested
they shut it down, seeing the growing need Mary with 4 woman not only kept the food pantry
open but were able to provide more than double the families with needed food and clothing.
With Covid behind us Mary has been able to jump into the community she is the Director of the
Windsor Food and Toy Drive, board member at People 4 Parks in Windsor, a managing force at
the Love Wins in Windsor Pride Festival and instrumental in People 4 Parks Charlie Brown
Christmas Tree Grove.
Mary has also created BREAD BOARD, a teen based group, (Build Relationships with Empathy
and Dignity) and now the pantry, aka; Pantry and Clothes Closet, is open every Tuesday
morning 9am-12noon.
Mary is presently looking at the issue under the oaks behind the church that has a bad drainage
problem; she is working on preserving the Oaks and creating a safe space.
Mary is also working with People 4 Parks to create a park designed for children with disabilities.
Reverend Mary’s accomplishments, goals and previous attributes are too numerous to mention
all here, but it is without question Windsor is blessed with such a dynamic citizen that is willing
to jump in with both feet to not only to meet , but exceed the needs of the community.
Mary acknowledges everyone is busy but suggests we Jump Feet First Together meet new
friends and work together.
President Doug thanked Mary, Pam and all our visitors for coming and thank you to all the
Rotarians that helped put the meeting together.
Meeting adjourned @ 8:30am
Meeting Bulletin - July 11, 2023
A New Rotary District 5130 Year!
Today’s meeting, the start of the 2023-2024 year, very special, because it is the Passing of the
District Governor Banner to DG Tom Boylan and Windsor Rotary.
Today was President Doug Williams’ first meeting of the year, and he was greeted
enthusiastically by the club as he called the meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance: Brian Williams
Inspiration: Barbara McChesney citing a Mowry connection to the land which we don’t inherit
from our grandparents, but rather borrow from our grandchildren.
Song: Heather Cullen: It’s a Grand Old Flag
President Doug asks us to keep this theme in mind: Did I make a difference in someone’s life?
Sandie Krutz did an amazing job of introducing the many guests and Rotary celebrities present
at the meeting:
2023 -24 District Governor, Tom Boylan and his wife, Melody Montero
2024-25 District Governor, Elect Jim O’Grady
Past District Governor, Del Raby (who at age 97 has perfect attendance for over 62 years!)
Past District Governor, Jim Flamson
Past District Governor, Michael Juric
Past District Governor, Erin Dunn
Past District Governor, Bob Rogers
Past District Governor, Kathy Flamson
Past District Governor, Kirk Brown
Past District Governor, Jennifer Strong
Lieutenant Governor, Valerie Hulsey
Assistant/Area Governor, Salvador Rico
Assistant/Area Governor, Michael Ragsdale
Assistant/Area Governor, Sandie Krutz
Assistant/Area Governor, Michael McGlothlin
Assistant/Area Governor, Marilyn Lira
Sergeant at Arms, Larry Lira
Sergeant at Arms, Wally Krutz
District Treasurer, Carol Martin
Endowment Fund, David Mark-Raymond
Immediate Past President, Lakeport Rotary Club, Laura Sammel
Other visitors
Brendan Boylan, Son of the District Governor
Natalie Huie, Outgoing exchange student
Kate Smith, Returning exchange student
Mary and Eric Beene, Presbyterian Church of Windsor
Allison Goodwin, Redwood Empire Food Bank
Outgoing District Governor, Jennifer Strong gave Doug Williams the District Governor’s Banner
and gave Tom Boylan the Governor’s ceremonial necklace, pin and a bottle of whiskey.
Tom gave Jennifer the past Governor’s pin, and a custom bird house with the Rotary Wheel on
Tom has already begun visiting clubs. Tom encourages us to start working with other clubs in
the area.
Tom has three areas he would like to focus on:
-Mental Health, How are you, really?
-Membership increase
-Continuing from Jennifer’s year, Environmentalism
-Kathy Flamson honors 1 st lady, Melody Montero with a spouse’s pin
-Jennifer Strong is the new chair of the Rotary Foundation
Recognizes the following Paul Harris Fellows
-Bill Bolster, 8 Paul Harris awards
-Tom Boylan, 5 Paul Harris awards
-Melody Montero, 1 st Paul Harris award
President Doug Williams notes that we will be updating the Bi-laws, under the leadership of
Larry McCabe. Doug reminds everyone of the upcoming board meeting this Monday.
Past District Governor Bob Rogers reminds everyone of the importance of Rotary’s Polio Plus
Special thanks to Joan Mora for decorating today
Set up: Larry McCabe, JB Leep, Beth Smith, Terry Andreacchi, and Dave Doht
Greeters: Alyssa Johnson, Leah Hansen
Scribe: Monica McCabe
The mission of the Rotary Club of Windsor is to serve our community and the world. We strive to better communicate with our members and with the community to inspire and mobilize both our local and global community in health, education, and peace to create transformative change.
Tuesday at 7:15 a.m.
Windsor Golf Course
1320 19th Hole Dr.
Windsor, CA 95492
Map it
P.O. Box 819
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: 707-892-0492
Email: info1@windsorrotary.org